2016年初一下册英语教案范文:Unit 4(第四课时)



威廉希尔app 初中频道给大家分享的是初一下册英语教案,请同学们认真浏览。希望助考生一臂之力。一起加油吧!

I.教材分析:这是本单元的最后一部分: Self-check,即本单元的复习部分。这一部分的课本是由以下几部分组成的。

1.Key word check. Check the words you know.

2.Add five new words to your Vocab-builder.

3.Complete the ad.

4.Writing practice.


Step 1:Review words like this:

First, let the students check the words by themselves and circle any words that they don’t know.

Ask the students to remember them and check up.

Step: II. Practice the language topic (P20) Grammar Focus.

What does he do?

He’s a waiter.

What do you want to be?

I want to be an actor.

Where does he work?

She works at a bank.

Step III. 3 Complete the ad.

Happy Children School

We are an international school for children of 5-12. We want a cook, a library assistant and a sports coach. You need :

Step IV. Write practice. Imagine you want one of the jobs at HCS. Write and explain why you are good person for the job.




七年级下册英语教案:Unit 1 Can you play the guitar  



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