


编写教案要依据教学大纲和教科书。从学生实际情况出发,精心设计。威廉希尔app 准备了初一年级第二学期英语教案,希望对大家有所启发!

教学内容: 部分新单词  Section A 1a 1b 1c

教学目标: Learn all the new words by heart and copy the sentences  according to the tape.

教学重点 : 单词的读写。

教学难点 : 认读、识记单词

教学方法 : 多听多练

Teaching steps :

利用实物或图片,认读单词。 (large , pizza ,cheese, mushroom ,green pepper, pepperoni, onion, olive)

看课本图片,找出单词所对应物品的字母,继续学习单词。( Match the words with the foods )

(Look at the picture on Page 13 and finish 1a )

Here are the answers to 1a.

1. cheese   c    2. mushrooms   f     3. green peppers     d

4. pepperoni a    5. onions       e     6. olives   b   7. tomatoes   g

3、听录音(Check the pizza that the person orders )


Step 4 : 1c Pairwork

(Practice the conversation below, Order the toppings you like.)

Ask two students to read the dialogue to the class.

Say the conversation with a student

Ask students to work in pairs.

(Have students take turns being the pizza maker and the person ordering the pizza Remind students to list the size and the toppings they really like .Students practice both roles.)

Ask some students to present their dialogues to the class.

Step 5. Look back.

Let the students sum up what we learned this class .

Step 6  Homework  1) Ask the students to remember the new words.

2) Practice the dialogue in pairs.




2016年初一英语下册教案:Unit2 第二课时 



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