初一上册英语第六章教案:Unit 6 Do you like bananas









一、Change the following nouns into plural.

1. an egg----some       2. a zoo---- three

3. this bus-----those          4. a tomato----some

5. that baby----these          6. a box----many

7. one day------ seven             8. one Chinese----two

9. a woman---- a lot of           10. a sister----one of my

二、Fill in the blanks, the first letter has been given.

1. As the saying goes,” one a    a day, keep doctors away.” Eating more fruit is good for our health.

2. French f     is another way of saying chips.

3. He likes eggs and milk for b     in the morning.

4. Broccoli is a kind of v     .

5. You can get h     ,as well as chicken nuts and coke in KFC.

6. We have l    in the middle of a day.

7. You need to exercise more and eat h      food to keep fit.

8. We’re having fish for d    tonight.

三、unscramble the sentences.

1. do, not, carrots, like, they, breakfast, for

2. she, or, like, does, fruit salad, vegetable salad?

3. need, to, eat, we, healthy, food, more.

4. with, going on a picnic, friends, you, are, a group of?



1. eggs 2. zoos 3. buses 4. tomatoes 5. babies 6. boxes 7. days 8. Chineses 9. women 10. sisters


1. apple 2. fries 3. breakfast 4. vegetables 5. hamburger 6. lunch 7. healthy 8. dinner


1. They don’t like carrots for breakfast.

2. Does she like vegetable salad or fruit salad?

3. We need to eat more healthy food.

4. Are you going on a picnic with a group of friend?



人教版初一英语第四单元教案:Where is my backpack?  

初一英语上册教案:Unit 6 Do you like bananas 



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