人教版初一英语第二单元教案:Is this your pencil?




Step 1 Revision

1 Revise What’s this? /What are these?(They’re…) like this:

Hold up a bag and ask What’s this? (It’s a bag.) Hold up two bags and ask What are these?(They’re bags.) Repeat. Help the class to answer.

Repeat with pens, books,etc.Get the class to ask questions and give answers. Check for the use of plural forms.

3. Revise What’s that?/What are those?in a similar way.This time use pictures from magazines, pictures on the wall or Bb drawing to emphasize that that and those refer to items that are not near.

Chain drill. Call out several students to demonstrate.

A:What are these? (Holding up three pens.)

B:They’re pens. What are those?(Pointing to trees outside.)

C:They’re trees. What are these?etc. Then get the class to continue this chain drill.

Step 2 Pronunciation pratice

Write these lists on the Bb one at a time and get the students to practise reading and pronouncing them correctly. Write the phonetic symbols if you think they will help the students.

1./s/ 2./z/ 3./iz/

desks birds/dz/ buses

books trees boxes

cats/ts/ girls oranges

bikes boys

After writing each list,underline the endings and explain These words have the …sound. Do Ex. 2 in Wb Lesson 23.

Step 3 Presentation

Take out a bag with some oranges or pears in it. Hold it up and let several students feel the bag, Ask Are these apples? Some students will say Yes, they are.Others may say No,they’re not.Still others may say I think they’re… Smile and say You don’t know! Open the bag and say Look!These are (pears).

Teach Are those…? For example , put a small picture with two cars in the corner of the room,and ask Are those Chinese/Japanese cars? The students try to guess. They may answer Yes,they are./ No, They’re not. Then bring the picture closer so that they can confirm that they are/are not Chinese/ Japanese cars.

Step 4 Read and say

SB Page 28, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 23. Play the tape. Students listen, and then listen and repeat. Get two or three pairs to read aloud the dialogue. Then get the students to read in pairs.Later, get some students to read and act.

Step 5 Look, listen and say

SB Page 2, part 2,Speech Cassette Lesson 23. Let the students listen to the tape and then get them to practise the same way as in Step 4. Put the students in groups of three (A,Band C). Later ,call out several groups to read the dialogue and act in front of the class.

Step 6 Workbook

SB Page 113, Wb Lesson 23. Do Exx.1-3 in pairs orally. Then check the answers with the whole class. Wx. 4 is optional. Do this exercise if you think your students are ready. Point to the picture and draw the students’ attention to the difference between written English and Chinese, including the word order and the use of the verb to be.


Finish off the Workbook exercises. Revise the new language items in Lessons 21, 22 and 23. Do Ex.2 in the exercise book.



新学期七年级英语二单元教案:Is this your pencil?  

初中一年级上英语第二单元教案:Is this your pencil?  



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