七年级英语下册教案:Unit 2 what time do you go to school ?



初一英语学习处在一个打基础的阶段。威廉希尔app 高中频道整理了七年级英语下册教案:Unit 2  what time do you go to school ?,希望能帮助教师授课!

Knowledge aims 1. New word:get dressed,brush teeth,take a shower;

2. Sentence Patterns:

--What time is it? --What time do you usually get up?

Ability aims 1. Learn to talk about time.

2. Learn to express simple routines.

Emotional aims To form a good time for work and rest. One”today”works better than two “tomorrow”

Key points 1.How to talk about daily routines.

2.What time 引导的特殊疑问句和时间的表达

Difficulties Learn to express and use time freely .

Teaching methods Listening for specific information and Role playing. Pair-work.

Teaching tools PPT,Tape-recorder,pictures,objects

Teaching procedures 个人意见修订

Teaching steps:

Step I: Review--Say the time

1. Show the clocks and ask them:

-What’s this in English? -What time is it?

2. Show the way how to express the time.


To past

分钟数超过30分 分钟数不超过30分

half past

(1). 点钟数+分钟数

6: 10 six ten

7: 25 seven twenty-five

(2). 分钟数+past +点钟数(分钟数不超过30分)

7: 20 twenty past seven

8: 30 half past eight

(3). 差分钟数 + to +下一点钟数 (分钟数超过30分)

8:45 fifteen to nine

9: 50 ten to ten

Step II : New lesson

I. Presentation:

1.Show a clock, ask them to say the time

2.Show the picture and let them to say: What does he do?

If they cannot say, let them say in Chinese. Show the English of the action: get up,

3.Ask him: What time do you usually get up?

To the class: What time does he get up?

To show the sentences and read.

4.Do the others one by one in the same way.

5.Teach ‘take a shower’ and lead them to guess the time that Rick takes a shower.

Step 3 look and say

1.Finish 1a,match words with pictures.

2.Read words and ask them to recite in 2 minutes.

3.Ask them to talk about the shower schedule for Rick’s family.

4.Choose some pairs to say.

Step 4 Look, listen and match

1. Listen and match the time.

2.Show the pictures and let them to say again.

Step 5 Interview

1.Let them to say the actions they do everyday.

2.Show some pictures they may do, and let them try to say in English.

3.Show the tablet and let them discuss in groups of 4.

4.Report what they get.

Step III: Practice:达标测评,反思提高

1、上午七点整 2、中午十二点

3、早上五点半 4、下午五点一刻

5、差十分六点 6、五点过两分

7、三点二十五 8、四点三十八分

9、十二点差一刻 10、五点零五分

11、九点十分 12、十一点零六分 Step IV: Summary:

Summarize the key phrases and drills in this part;

Summarize how to express time.

Step V: Homework:

Write a short passage about the tablet they interviewed.

Bb design: Unit 2 What time do you go to school?

What time is it? /What’s the time? It’s 2 o’clock./11:05.

Take a shower get up get dressed go to school

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