初中一年级英语教案:Unit 2 Is this your pencil



S1:Yes,it is. It’s my pen.

T:(Hold a girl’s pen.) This is her pen. Is this your pen?

S1:No,it isn’t. It’s her pen.

T:(Hold a boy’s pen.) This is his pen. Is this your pen?

S1:No,it isn’t. It’s his pen.

T: Thank you.

2.Practice the drill “Is this your…?” in pairs with your own school things.Pay attention to the use of my, your, his or her.(利用学习用品操练句型,并加深对物主代词的理解。)

S3:Is this your…?

S4:…It’s my…

S3:Is this…?

S4:…It’s his/her…

(The teacher asks a few pairs to practice.)

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Is this your pencil七年级英语教案 

My name’s Gina初一英语教案 



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