七年级英语教案:Unit 1 Where's your pen pal from



Step 5 Pairwork

1c Practise the following conversation:

---Do you have a pen pal?    ---Yes, I do.

---Where's your pen pal's from?    ----He/She is from ....(Write it down on the Bb)

First T has a conversation with one student as an example then let the Ss practise in pairs. At last let several pairs do it again in class.

Step 6 Leading-in

Revise the countries names with looking at the Bb. Then T writes down the city names on the Bb. Let the Ss try to find out which countries the cities are in. The city names are following:

Toronto; Paris; Tokyo; New York; Sydney; Singapore; London;

Step 7 Learning

2a    Learn the city names together with the whole class just like Step 2

2b   Listen and circle the cities and countries

2c   Listen and complete the chart

Have a similar competition to consolidate the new words in this part.

Step 8 Pairwork

T has a conversation with one student like the following:

---Do you have a pen pal?    ---Yes, I do.

---What's your pen pal's name?   ---His/Her name is....

---Where is your pen pal from?   ---He/She is from...

---Where does he/she live?   ---He/She lives in....(Write it down on the Bb)

Let the Ss practise after the T's example in pairs then several pairs do it in class.

Step 9 Exercise

My pen pal is from Australia.(划线提问)

John's pen pal is from Japan. (划线提问)

He lives in Paris. (划线提问)

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