初一英语上册教案:《Unit 2 Is this your pencil》教案



(Teacher holds a pen in the English.)

S1:A pen.(Ss may say it in English.)

T: Yeah. It’s a pen. And what’s this?

(The teacher holds an eraser in the hand.)

S2:It’s an eraser.

(Teach the other words such as “pencil, book, eraser, ruler, pencil case, backpack, pencil sharpener, and dictionary” in the same way.)

2.Practice the new words.

T: Now, please look at the pictures in your books. Can you put the words with the objects in the right pictures? Write the letters next to the words, please.(Give Ss about two minutes to finish 1a.)

T: OK,let’s check the answers. Who can tell us the answers?


Step Three: Present the drills.

1.Present the drill “Is this…?Yes/ No,it is/isn’t.”(利用实物引入句型,使用不同人的物品来引入形容词性物主代词和名词的搭配的用法。)

(Hold the teacher’s pen.)

T:This is my pen.Is this your pen?

S1:No,it isn’t.It’s your pen.

T:(Hold the student’s pen.) This is your pen. Is this your pen?

S1:Yes,it is. It’s my pen.

T:(Hold a girl’s pen.) This is her pen. Is this your pen?

S1:No,it isn’t. It’s her pen.

T:(Hold a boy’s pen.) This is his pen. Is this your pen?

S1:No,it isn’t. It’s his pen.

T: Thank you.

2.Practice the drill “Is this your…?” in pairs with your own school things.Pay attention to the use of my, your, his or her.(利用学习用品操练句型,并加深对物主代词的理解。)

S3:Is this your…?

S4:…It’s my…

S3:Is this…?

S4:…It’s his/her…

(The teacher asks a few pairs to practice.)

3.Present the drill “Is that …? Yes/ No, it is/isn’t.”(利用教师所站位置的不同来引入批示代词that的用法,并从位置关系上让学生准确理解this ,that的区别。)

T:That is my book. Is that my book?

(Put a book on the teacher’s table so that the Ss can see it clearly, and the teacher stands a little far from the table.)

S5:Yes, it is .It’s your book.

T:That is his book.Is that your book?

(Put a boy’s book on the table and the teacher in the same place.)

S5:No, it isn’t.It’s his book.

T:That is her book.Is that your book?

(Put a girl’s book on the table and the teacher in the same place.)

S5:No,it isn’t.It’s her book.

(Teach and practice the drill “Is that …?” and its answer.)

4.Practice the drill “Is that your…?” in pairs with your own school things.(通过练习,区别两个批示代词的用法。)



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