初一英语教案:Is this your pencil?第二课时



教案是教师对一节课的整体设想,创造性的教学设计,严谨、科学、有序的教学策略,能够有效的提高教学效率。因此,小编为各位老师准备了这篇初一英语教案:Is this your pencil?第二课时,希望可以帮助到您!

Section Three

Task Three Draw their own family tree

Teaching aims 1. Use the language in the true life.

2. Learn to write the language structures.

Import and difficult points How to use language in their life

Teaching methods Listening and speaking; discussing and guessing

Teaching apparatuses Tape recorder, pictures, cards, some pictures and photos.

Teaching Procession

Designs for the class Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Revision Is this your father?

Is that your mother? Yes, it is.

No, it isn’t.

Leading Are they your parents? Yes, they are.

Presentation Ask students to present their family tree

Add the words in the box to the family tree.

Play the tape.

Ask students to read the letter in 3a and then help them to write a letter to Emma

Pair work Draw a picture of their family and friends Tell your partner about your picture

Ask them to show their letters and correct their mistakes.

Help Ss finish 3b.  Present their family tree in the group, and then in the class

Use the language:

This is my father. His name is…

This is my mother. Her name is…

Finish Ex 1 . Add the words in the box to the family tree.

Ask students to listen again , and choose which pictures are Dace and Lin Hai talking about?

Read the letter. Draw a picture of Emma’s family. And then write a letter to Emma

Read their letter to the class.

Draw a picture of their family and friends Tell their partner about their picture

Take out their family photo. Write an   introduction about the people on the back of the photo.

Homework Make their photo Album with some simple introduction.




以上就是初一英语教案:Is this your pencil?第二课时的全部内容,希望各位老师和学生能够喜欢!



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