初一英语教案:Food and drink





表示该干什么了: It’s time for (supper).

表示“渴了”“饿了”: I’m thirsty. I’m hungry.

表示多少: How many bottles of water can you see in the picture?I can see three.

表示早餐/中餐/晚餐吃什么: What do you have for breakfast/ lunch/ supper?

What would you like for supper?

What does your friend have for breakfast?

What would your friend like for supper?

表示想要什么:What would you like? I’d like a bottle of apple juice.

Would you like something to drink? Oh, yes.

表示怎么样: What about something to drink / eat?

表示提供帮助和建议:Can I help you, madam? Yes, I want some rice.

Do you have any ice cream?





Dear Robert,

I’m glad to receive your letter and I know you want to come to China. You talk about Chinese food in your letter. Do you know Chinese food tastes the most delicious in the world? We cook something in many different ways. We can stir-fry, fry, steam, boil, smoke and so on.

We have eggs and milk for breakfast, have rice with vegetables, meat and fish for lunch, noodles and dumplings for supper. Chinese food not only tastes good but also has good nutrition. Sometimes we go to McDonald and Kentucky Fried Chicken. But I don’t like them very much.

For drink, we often drink vegetable and fruit juice, mineral water, and all kinds of milk. Coke and sprite are children’s favourite drink. But I like Chinese tea best.

We have a lot of traditional food and home cooking dishes here, for example: Beijing roasted duck, instant boiled mutton, sweet and sour fish, home-style bean-curd and so on. Now we like home cooked food better than take-away food. Beijingers like bean curd, very much, too. If you come to China, I’ll show you around the city and you can taste these foods one by one if you aren’t afraid to get fat.

Best wishes


Zhang Fan



Dear Robert,

Thank you for you (1) letter. Welcome to China. You want to know something about Chinese food. Let me to (2) tell you. We don't eat rice, vegetables and meats (3) every day. Sometimes we have hamburgers, potato chips and coke, too. In China you can find your favourite food and drink. Tell me when you come. You can come (4) my home and eat noodles. My mother can make nice noodles. We can go out to eat hamburgers and drink coke, too.



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