七年级英语下册module 10教案



七年级英语下册module 10教案


教学目标:1、能熟读熟记新单词。 2、能听懂简短对话,掌握大意并听取细节信息。3、能熟读课文,掌握对话主旨。


重难点: 能掌握不规则动词过去式的发音




1.enjoy --                       7.do/ does –

2.fly –                          8.meet --

3.drive –                        9.is –

4.go --                          10.stay –

5.see --                          11.swim --

6.have --

2)mat ch the places with their Chinese meaning

a) California                            1. 好莱坞

b) Hollywood                           2. 洛杉矶

c) Los Angeles                          3. 加利福利亚

d) Pacific Ocean                         4. 白雪公主和米奇老鼠

e) Santa Monica                         5. 太平洋

f) Disneyland                           6. 圣莫妮卡

g)Snow White and Mickey Mouse         7. 迪士尼


1.(Activity 2 课文)  听课文录音,抓住Betty在美国旅游的具体信息。

When did Betty go to Los Angeles? Two years ago.

How long did it take to get there? It took about 1)___________  hours.

Who was with her? Her 2)__________________________________.

What did she do first? First, she went to 3)_______________________.

How long did she stay there? They stayed there for 4)_____________  days.

Where did she go swimming? 5)In the__________________at Santa Monica.

2. 朗读对话,完成P60-61的Activity 2


(    )1. ---Why _______ she so_______?  --- Because she saw her favourite singer.

A. is ,exciting   B.was, excited   C.did, excited

(    )2.Who _____ you _____ with this morning? = Who ______ with you this morning?

A.do, play, plays  B. did, play, played  C.did, played, played

(    )3.--- ________ did you buy in the supermarket lask weekend?

A. Where   B. When   C. What

(    ) 4. How long did it ________ you to fly to Beijing?

A. take          B. spend         C. cost



1) 你去那里花了多长时间?______  _______ ________ it ______ to get there?

谁和你在一起?  ________  _________  ________ you?

你在那里呆了多长时间?_________ _________ _________ you ________ there?

2)一般过去时的特殊疑问句中,常用特殊疑问词有who(    ), what(    ), where(    ), how(    ), when(    ), how long(    ), why(    )。



1) 度假 _________________ 2) 开车送某人去某地 _________________  3)玩得开心_________________ =_________________


1).你将要去那里度假?Where are you going on holiday?

2).我两年前去的,我很喜欢那里。 I went there two years ago and enjoyed it a lot.

3). 大约花了九个小时。It took about nine hours.

4). 我是如此的兴奋。!I was so excited.

5)The football match is very exciting.   I am so exicted.   (兴奋)

The story is interesting.    I am interested in the story. (有趣)

The trip is relaxing.        I am relaxed in the trip.    (放松)

总结:-ing 结尾的形容词用来形容 ______, 以-ed结尾的形容词用来形容_____.


I went to Los Angeles two years_______ and enjoyed it a lot. It _____ us about nine hours _____ fly there. Then our friends _______ us and _______ us to their home. My parents were ______ me. First, we _______ to Disneyland and I met Snow White and Mickey Mouse. I was so __________. We _________ there _______ two days. Then we went to Hollywood. We didn’t see any movie ________, but we ________ in the Pacific Ocean at Santa Monica. It was great! We _____________________.


1.托尼打算去纽约度假。Tony is __________ ___________ __________ to New York.


My father often _______ _________ _______ school when I was young.


3.他们在博物馆看见了什么?________________________________ in the


大墩中学 七 年级英语学科导学案活页

主备人:  喻帮保    班级:             小组:              学号:               姓名:                编号:   24    审核人:备课组成员


Module 10 A holiday journey  Unit 2 This morning we took a walk.

教学目标: 1. 阅读课文,理解主旨及细节,掌握阅读方法。2. 熟读课文,综合理解。3. 巩固掌握词汇及重点句型

学习重难点: 掌握词汇及重点句型


一、 课前预习完成:在文章中划出以下词组

1 到达大/小地方_________________ 2 例如_________________

3 散步_______________  4 购物_________________

5 买某物给某人___________________ 6 首先_________________

7 排队等候 _________________ 8 …的顶部______________


1. Fast Reading(快速阅读,读课文的开头信息,迅速回答):

1) Who wrote the email?

2)When did the writer write the email? What Festival is it?

3)Who will receive this email?   4)What does this email maily talk about?

2.Detail Reading(细节阅读)。


The day before yesterday •arrived by plane   •was tired    •relaxed at home

Yesterday  •________to Louvre Museum •_________ dinner in a French restaurant

This morning •________ a walk  •_______ some shopping  •________ a present for Grandma

This afternoon and evening •________ the Paris Underground to the Eiffel Tower  • _______ to wait in

line  • _______ to the top   •_______ till all the lights were on

tomorrow •visit a famous palace  •take a boat tour on the River Seine

三. 课堂检测:


1)-- _________ did you read the newspaper?

– After breakfast.

2)-- _________ did you get to London last week? – By plane.

3) She saw three bowls on the table. (就划线部分提问)

______ _______ she ________ on the table?

4) Tony played basketball with his friends after school yesterday. (就划线部分提问)

________ ________ Tony ________ basketball with after school yesterday? house 第2课时


1)arrive 作动词,意思为“________”。到达大的地方,如城市、省、国家等大地方时用____,如例句1。到达小的地方,如station, cinema, school等时用_____,如例句2。

即学即练: 你是什么时候到达汽车站的?

When did you __________  ___________ the bus station?

2)句型 buy sth for sb = ____________________,意思是“给某人买某物”。


My mother _______________ a computer ____________________ last week.

3) They sell such good fruit and vegetables. 他们卖这么好的水果和蔬菜。sell 意思为“________”。它的过去式是____________。Such 意思为“________”,用于修饰后面的_______词。


The shop _________ ninety T-shirt yesterday.

玛丽和安娜是这么好的女孩。 Mary and Anna are ________ _______ _______.


The day before yesterday Jenny and I a_______ in Paris by plane.Aunt Joan and Uncle Pete m_____ us at the airport. Yesterday we went to the Louvre Museum. It has many world- famous works of art, s________ as the Mona Lisa. In the evening, we h_______ dinner in a F_______ restaurant. The food was delicious! This morning we t_______ a walk. In the street markets, they s_______ such good fruit and vegetables. This afternoon, we t_______ the Paris Underground to the Eiffel Tower. F_______ of all, we had to w________ in line for an hour, and then we went to the t_______. Tomorrow we’re going to visit a famous p________ and take a b_____ tour.


(    )1. We finally climbed up there and stood _____ the top _____ the mountain.

A. on, at       B. on, of         C. at, of

(    )2. After five hours’ hard work, we __________ yesterday.

A. are tired     B. were excited   C. were tired

(    )3. --______ did you go on holiday this summer?

-- To Beijing.

A. How        B. Who         C. Where

(    )4. --- How was your holiday to Shanghai last week?

--- ________.

A. It was wonderful.   B. Good idea.   C. I’m going to visit it again.






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