七年级英语教案:How much are these socks



学习任务二: 读懂3a短文,在此基础上完成3b.

1 、个人自渎,并翻译.

2 小组讨论短文意思.并完成下列翻译.

(1) 以一个很好的价格______________

(2) 只有25块钱__________

(3) 一个运动包___________         (4)红颜色的T恤衫___________


(6) 自己亲自看_______________      (7) 在华星服装店____________

学习任务三:学会 写广告的小短文。

二、合作共建(教师寄语:Many hands make light work. )


三、总结(教师寄语:No man can do two things at once.)


Step1:Warming-up and Revision

Show the picture and ask:

What things do Lisa and her mother talk about? What thin gs does Lisa buy from the shop? Do you like the things Lisa buy?

Step2:Ask the students to read it and try to get the information about the Clothes Store. And try to guess the meaning of the new words: each, a nybody, very, our, then answer the following questions:

1. How much are the sweaters?

2. How much are the bags for sports?

3. What colours are the T-shirts for girls?

4. How much are the socks for boys?


Tell the students: You h ave a chance to be business  people. Divide the stude nts into some groups, each gro up has 6student s.  And have each group based at a “stall” in the classroom.

1. Explain that at  the end of the activity, the group with the most value in money and goods is the winner.

$. Give the students a certain time and let them start.

The group can report like this:

Our group  sell…to…. They’re ….yuan. And we buy…from…. They’re…yuan. So now we have…yuan.



1.Copy and recite the new words

2.Help Mr Cool to finish an ad. (Section B 3b)

教后反思 本机可的重点是让学生学会如何写导购广告。通过小组提前合作,本部分做的不错,但还有个别同学的关键语还不能突出。


七年级上册英语教案Unit1 My name’s Gina 

初一英语教案:I’d like a large pizza 



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