七年级下册英语教案:module10 unit3教案



七年级下册英语教案:module10 unit3教案


目标 1》 掌握本单元基本的词汇。

2》 一般过去时特殊问句中单词的重读。

3》 能拥有一般过去时叙述自己和他人的旅行经历。

4》 能听懂谈论旅行经历的对话,准确辨别理解句子中一些不规则动词的过去式。

教学重点 1》 能拥有一般过去时叙述自己和他人的旅行经历。

2》 能听懂谈论旅行经历的对话,准确辨别理解句子中一些不规则动词的过去式。

教学难点 1》 能拥有一般过去时叙述自己和他人的旅行经历。

2》 能听懂谈论旅行经历的对话,准确辨别理解句子中一些不规则动词的过去式。

师 生 互 动 个案补充

Revise :

Revise the words  phrases and sentences about Module10

Step2 Do exercises :


1. –What did you do last night?  --I _________ TV with my family.

A. watch   B. am watching    C. watches     D. watched

2. --_________ did you have the party last night?   --In the park.

A. Where   B. When   C. Which   D. Why

3. --What do you think of the 3D film Titanic last night?   --It’s_______.

A. boring   B. wonderful   C. strange   D. terrible

4. I hope you can ________ the airport on time.

A. get   B. reach to   C. arrive at   D. arrive in

5. –What are you going to do?    --I am going to buy a book _______ my sister.           A. to   B. for   C. of   D. at

6. --Let’s ______ about the plan. Can you ______-English?   --Sorry, I can’t. May I ______ it in Chinese?

A. talk; speak; say                B. say; speak; speak

C. talk; speak; speak             D. say; say; speak

7. Tom waited ________his mother came back.

A. till    B. on    C. with    D. so

8. When the lights were________, the film was over.

A .in     B. on     c. for     D. out

9. I don’t think there are ______good things in the market.

A. so    B. such    C. very    D. as

10.________ the afternoon of June 2nd, many foreigners arrived ___________Shanghai.

A. In at    B. On to    C. In; in    D. On; in


1. They arrived in Beijing ten minutes ago. (改为同义句)

They ________ Beijing ten minutes ago.

2. She went for a walk after supper. (改为否定句)

She _________ _________for a walk after supper.

3. It took me half an hour to mend the car. (改为同义句)    ___________ __________ half an hour ________ the car.

4. I bought her a bike yesterday. (改为同义句)

I bought a bike ________ _________ yesterday.

5. She read a storybook in class yesterday. (改为一般疑问句)   ________  ________  ________ a storybook in class yesterday?


Last weekend , we ______(enjoy)ourselves. In the morning,

we __________(get) up very early and _______(eat) breakfast very quickly . Then we ___________(take) a bus to the centre of the city . We __________(go) to the supermarket to buy some clothes and some food. Then, I _________(send) a letter to my pen friend in a post office. Finally, we _________(feel) hungry and __________(have) lunch in a restaurant.



Aunt Joan and Uncle Peter _________ us _________ the airport.


We_________ tired ______we relaxed at home and _______our tour of the city yesterday.


It has many world-famous works of art,__________ ________ the Mona Lisa.

4.我希望你能够喜欢它!         ________ _______ you like it!


设计 1—10 D B A C B A A D B D  二,1 get to 2 did go 3 I spent on 4 for her 5 die she read 三 enjoyed got ate took went sent felt had 四 met at 2were so began3such as


七年级英语教案:Do you have an eraser?  

初一英语教案:Good friends  



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