初一英语教案:How was your weekend



Section B

New language

I played the guitar

I studied geography.

I went to the library.

1 a    This activity introduces more key vocabulary.

Call attention to the pictures. Ask students to point to and use the past tense to describe as many of the activities as possible. Point to and describe any activities they can't describe. For example, I played the guitar.

Then point to the numbered activities described in the list. Name the activities and ask students to repeat each one,

After that, ask students to match each numbered phrase with a picture by writing the letter of each picture in the blank in front of the correct phrase.As students work, move around the room answering questions as needed.

Check the answers

1 b    This activity provides reading practice using the target language.

Draw pictures of the happy face and unhappy face on the board. Write the word VMM under the happy face and the words not fun under the unhappy face.

Ask students to name some activities they think are fun and some that are not fun. For example, a student might say doing homework or cleaning my room are not fun.

Point out the happy face under the pictures in la.Say, He played the guitar. It was fun. The happy face shows it was fun.Say, A'oic draw a happy face or an unhappy face for letters a, c, and a,

Correct the answers.

2a    This activity provides listening and writing practice using the target language.

Call attention to the names Jim and Sally and the write-on lines under each name.

Say, Now you are going to hear a conversation between Jim and Sally. They are talking about what they did over the weekend. Listen to the conversation and write what each person did.

Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

Point out the sample answer, cleaned her room.

Play the recording again. Ask students to HU in the phrases telling what each person did. Remind students that they can look back at earlier activities in this unit to get spelling help, if they wish.

2b    This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

Call attention to the example in speech bubbles.Ask a pair of students to read the dialogue to the class.

Say, Now practice talking about what Jim and Sally did over the weekend. Practice in pairs- Use the dialogue as an example.

Help students find partners. Then say. First read the dialogue together. Read both parts. Then make your own dialogues like that one. Tell what Sally and Jim did over the weekend.

As students practice, move around the room monitoring progress.

Ask pairs of students to present their dialogues to the class.

2c    This activity provides open-ended oral practice using the target language.

Point out the example in speech bubbles. Ask two students to read the dialogue to the class.

With a student, say a conversation about what you did over the weekend. You may wish to write two or three activities on the board for students to use in their conversations.

Help students find partners. As they practice their conversations, move around the room monitoring progress and giving language support as needed.

Ask some pairs to present their real-life conversations to the class.

3a    This activity provides reading practice using the target language.

Read the article to the class or have a student do it.

Some students may not recognize the words shopping,mixture, and relatives. Answer any question. students may have about these or other vocabulary items. Write each new word on the board and discuss its meaning.

Read the instructions. Point out the circle around the word circle and the underlining under the word underline.Expand on the instructions saying, Circle the things that you like. the things that arc fun. Underline the things that you don't like, the things that are not fun.

Review the answers. Students may have different answers for some items- For example, went to the library may be fan for some students and not fun for others.

3b   Tlus activity provides guided writing practice using the target language.

Point out the numbered blanks in the paragraph.Say, Write a suitable phrase in each blank. Remember to put the verb in the past tense. Point out that students can look at the pictures below the passage for ideas.

Call attention to the sample answer. Ask a student to read the sentence to the class,

Ask students to complete the activity individually.

Check the answers.

3c    This activity provides writing practice using the target language.

Before they start writing, suggest that students list the things they did. Ask students to name several ihi; ;as they did over the weekend. Write the list on the board using past tense verbs.

Ask a student to follow these notes and say what he or she did over the weekend. When the student is finished say. Now write the words you just said.

As students work, move around the room monitoring progress and answering any questions students may have.

Ask the students who finish first to write their sentences on the board. Check the sentences and make necessary corrections- Other students may use these sentences as they complete their own work,

4    This activity provides writing and oral practice using the target language.

Ask the class to give you the names of some famous people. They can be .sports stars, musicians, artists, politicians, etc.). Write them on the board- Then choose one of the people on the board and a.sk the students to imagine what that person did over the last weekend. Elicit three past tense sentences from the class and write them on the board.

Ask students to look at the instruction. Explain that students must choose a famous person and write three things that famous person did over the weekend. Ask students to look at the example and guess who the person is (it should be a famous pop star, one that has an interesting hair color.).

Divide students into pairs to do the activity. As students work, move around the room monitoring progress and making notes of common language problems. Have some students tell the class who their partners are and what their famous partners did over the weekend.

希望同学们能够认真阅读初一英语教案:How was your weekend,努力提高自己的学习成绩。


新目标七年级英语教案Unit6 period3  

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