七年级英语unit6 period2教案



学习可以这样来看,它是一个潜移默化、厚积薄发的过程。威廉希尔app 编辑了七年级英语unit6 period2教案,希望对您有所帮助!



step one: review the drill.①     review the drill “do you like…”?②     the girl and the boy are talking about their likes and dislike.let’s open your books and listen. try to finish 2a and 2b as quickly as you can.ss:…

step two: new drills.①     present the new drills “does she/ he like…? yes, she / he does./ no, she / he doesn’t”using the chart above.t:kate, do you like tomatoes?s1:yes, i do.t:do you like ice cream?s1:no, i don’t.(the teacher points at kate and asks the class.)t:does kate like tomatoes?ss:yes, she does.t:does kate like ice cream?ss:no,she doesn’t.(the teacher goes on asking kate using the chart.)t:does your best friend sue like tomatoes?s1:yes, she does.(kate looks at her chart in her hand.)t:who is your best friend?(the teacher points at jane.)s1:sally is.t:does she like tomatoes?s1:sally is.(the teacher points at tony and maria.)t:do your best friends like tomatoes?s1:yes, they do./no, they don’t.(the teacher asks two more students to answer his/ her questions according to the chart in their hands. then the teacher writes down the drills “does she/he like… ?do they like…?” on the blackboard.)t:work in pairs and practice the drill “does he/she…? do they…?”according to the chart.(then the teacher asks some pairs of the students to practice one by one.)②     practice the drills.t:let’s work in pairs .(student a looks at page 33.student b looks at page 83.try to find out what bob and bill and don’t like.)sa:does bill like french fries?sb: … does bob like french fries?sa: …

step three: task.t:do you love your parents?s:yes.t:how do you show your love to them?s1:i’ll do as they say.s2:i’ll buy something for them when their birthday is coming.s3:i’ll study better and better.s4:i’ll make a big meal for them.t:oh, i think it’s a good idea. now let’s try to know what they like and dislike. first take out yesterday’s homework,exchange the information in pairs.(the teacher have asked the students to have a survey last class.)

parents like dislike mother     father    (give a sample to the students)t:does your father like chicken?(point to a student)s1: no, he doesn’t.t:does your mother like eggs?s1:yes, she does.t:do they like bananas?s1: yes, they do.t:now work in groups and make a food survey.

parents like dislike jim’s father     jim’s mother     kate’s father     kate’s mother

(the students work in groups.)s2:jim’s father likes… he doesn’t like… jim’s mother likes…very much. she doesn’t like…and they both don’t like…(then ask more students to report.)

step four:summary.   in this class, we’ve learnt the simple present tense,including of the third person singular form as subject.homework.rewrite your conversation in the form of a passage.

希望各位教师能够认真阅读七年级英语unit6 period2教案,努力提高自己的教学水平。






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