七年级上册英语Unit1 Section B(3a—3c)教案



聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。我们要振作精神,下苦功学习。小编准备了七年级上册英语Unit1 Section B(3a—3c)教案,希望能帮助到大家。

unit 1 my name’s gina.

(the fifth period section b 3a—3c)

teaching aims(教学目标)


2.复习英文中数字的表达方式,会熟练制作id card。

language points(语言点)

1.要求掌握以下句式:(1)— what’s her telephone number ?

— what’s her family name ?

— what’s her first name ?

(2)—my name is tina. nice to meet you.

— i’m mary . nice to meet you too.

2.要求掌握以下词汇:unit 1 所有词汇,注意了解它们的词性。


teaching steps(教学步骤)

1. warming-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)

(1)daily greetings to the students(日常问候)

t:good morning, everyone.

s:good morning, claire.

t: how is the weather today? 1

s: it is (nice / great / fine / good / beautiful / not bad / pretty good / fantastic/ bad / terrible / awful / hot / cool / cold/ windy / rainy …). 2


t: what’s your english name ?

s: my english name is mike.

t: what’s your family name ?

s: my family name is smith. 3

t; what’s your destmate’s first name ?

s; his first name is green . 4

t: what’s his telephone number ?

s: his telephone number is 66887799. 5






5.对有能力的ss,要求2. work on 3a(完成p5 1a)

t: now look at the pictures on p5. please find the last names and write them below.


eg: t: (教师诱发s1说出“what’s gina green’s first name ? lhi’m the boy in the purple pants.”,然后问) where did you go?

s1:her name is gina.

t: (诱发s2) what is her family name ?

s2: her family name is green..

drill: s1: what’s nick hand’s family name /first name ?

s2: what’s jim smith’s family name /first name ?

s3: what’s linda brown’s family name /first name ? 7

3.work on 1b(完成p5-3b)

t: now look at the id cards and answer the questions.

eg: t: now let’s check the answers. her telephone number is 535-2375,her family name is brown, her first name is jenny.

s: his telephone number is 868-7889, his family name is smith, his first name is jenny. 8

4.work on 3c(完成p5-3c)

t: please fill in your own id card. 9

5.work on 4c ( 完成p5-4c )

t: now write your phone number on a piece of paper and put it  in a bag. then take out a piece of paper and find the owner. 10

6.follow up(进一步扩展)

t: now it’s your turn to make up your own dialogues. please work with your group (four students in one group) and ask each other questions about his friend . 11

eg:a: what’s your friend’s first name and last name ?

b: his first name is mike and last name is jordan.

a: what’s your friend’s telephone number ?

b: his telephone number is 84693218.

a: what’s his address ?

b; no.58 pingan street.

7.  work on page 6 in our workbook.

t: now let’s check the words you know and have a competition to see which group do the best. 12

8.  work on page 6 in our workbook.

t: now write five or more words in your vocab-builder. 13



6.要求其他同学在听的同时,仿照课文3c做id card

7. 该练习主要是为了操练英文中姓与名的表达方式,使同学们熟悉英文中名在前、姓在后。

8. 可以让学生自己展示各种各样的id card , 让同学们相互提问。


10. 该练习主要是为了通过读电话号码来熟悉英文数字。建议以小组为单位开展游戏。

11. 通过小组活动,让学生通过英文交流结交新的朋友,让语言的实用性得到体现。

12. 通过该练习,可以巩固学过的单词,小组间可以开展一个竞赛,看哪组同学认得最多,发音最好。

小编为大家整理的七年级上册英语Unit1 Section B(3a—3c)教案就到这里了,希望能帮助到大家。



Unit7Lesson26 英语教案  



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