






(2)掌握句型:When do you get up? What time do you get up?






Note: Pay attention to the use of different prepositions in time expressions.

Step 1  Revision

1  Revise time expressions: on weekdays / Monday / Wednesday morning, in the evening / afternoon, at six oclock, etc.

2  Revise two ways of telling the time. ( Please see Unit 15.)

Step 2  Presentation

Draw a clock on the Bb (or use a real one). Teach this dialogue.

A: Whats the time?

B: Its seven oclock. Its time to get up.

Repeat with wash your face, leave home, begin school, go to bed, etc. changing the time on the clock each time.

Step 3  Practice

Students practise the dialogue above, changing the information if desired, in pairs, using watches or pictures of a clock. They should just speak, and need not write anything down.

Step 4  Read and act

SB Page 51, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 105. Books closed. Ask two or three question, such as, Whats the time? Whats .Jim doing? Then play the tape. Check the answers (7:30; Jim is putting on his school clothes.) Books open! Play the tape again. Students listen and repeat. Let the students guess the meaning of the word early. Then get the students to practise reading the dialogue in pairs. Get some pairs to act it out.

Step 5  Presentation

Review the days of the week. Teach weekdays (=Monday—Friday). Ask On weekdays, what time does Jim get up? Help the students to answer. Then ask On weekdays, what time do you get up? Introduce the word when. Help the students to talk about their daily routine in pairs.

Step 6  Ask and answer

SB Page 51, Part 2. Students work in small groups. Have them make a survey of their group using the questions in the boxes on the right such as get up, have breakfast, leave home, etc. Get them to make up more questions: e.g. What time / When do you play games / clean your classroom / do your Homework / go to bed? etc. Have one person give the results of the survey, e.g.: Two people in our group get up at…, All of us begin school at …, etc.

Step 7  Workbook

SB Page 131, Wb Lesson LOS, Exx 1-3. Do Ex. 1 paying special attention to the inflection of the verbs. Do Exx. 2 and 3 in class. Ex. 2 can he extended.


Ask and answer questions in SB Lesson 105, Part 2. Write down the verb forms in Ex. 1 of Wb Lesson 105.







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