


S: Yes, it is.

T: How far is it from Canada to China? Scan the dialogue in Lesson 3 and find out the answer.

S: It’s about 8500 kilometers.

Help the students to say that in English.

T: How far is it from Edmonton to Shijiazhuang?

S: It’s about 9600 kilometers.

T: Well done!

Lead the students to read the numbers in this lesson.

Step III Text learning

a. Reading

Get the students to read the text again and answer the following questions.

T: Now please read the dialogue and find out the answer to the two questions: Why is Mrs. Dinosaur worried? And can Danny go?

S: Because Canada is too far from China.

S: Yes, he can.

T: That’s right.

b. Listening

Then get the students to listen to and repeat after the tape. Later, ask them to act out the dialogue.

Step IV

Get the students to talk about distance.

a. Speaking

Write How far is it from … to …? / It’s about… kilometers and some numbers on the Bb to let the students practice talking about distance. Explain the usage of hundred and thousand.

Notes: hundred, thousand 前面有具体数字时,不要加s; 一般情况下,百位与个位之间用and (也可以不用and)十位和个位之间可以用连字符,也可以不用。



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