


beautiful---- more beautiful 美丽的

exciting----- more exciting 兴奋的

careful------ more careful仔细的

popular------- more popular流行的

tiring------ more tiring 累人的

expensive------ more expensive 贵的

relaxing------ more relaxing 放松的

StepⅣ. Practice

1. Ask the Ss to try to say something about themselves using the adverbs they learned.

 I get to school …

 The teacher speaks to us …

 We need to learn English …

 We need to speak English …

 I work …

 I check my vocabulary at home …

 I listen to my lessons …

2. Focus the students’ attention:

How to compare…

 R unning is cheaper and safer than diving.

 Swimming is easier than gymnastics.

 Table tennis is more popular than judo.

Adverbs vs. Adjectives

■ Don’t try to do something too quickly or carelessly.

■ Runn ing is easy, safe and good.

Step Ⅴ . Homework

Recite words

Do the exercise1 on p108-1,2,3.

Whole-class work:

Look at the pictures and Answer some questions.

Whole-class work:

Look at some pictures with the words, say out their opposite words .

Group work:

Read and discuss the conversation in groups. At last ask some groups to translate the conversation.

Pairs work:

Make a similar conversations



初一英语A visit to an island 教案 




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