



Unit 4 Food

Period 7 Integrated Skills

Teaching goals

To listen for specific information

To select information from a questionnaire and listen in order to complete a report on another student's lifestyle

Teaching procedures

Step 1: Revision the usage of 'How often'

Arouse students' interest in different lifestyles, food and health issues. Talk about the importance of doing exercise, sleeping and eating fruit and vegetables. Elicit information about your students' lifestyles.

How much TV do they watch?

How much time do they spend playing computer games?

How many snacks do they eat every day?

Ask students to complete the 'Lifestyle' questionnaire about themselves. Ask some students to report their own lifestyles.

Step 2: Self-introduction

Tell your classmates about your diet and lifestyle

Step 3: Play a game

Ask one student to read out his or her classmate's diet and lifestyle, and then let the others guess who he or she is and give him or her some advice.

Step 4: Listening and ticking

Play the recording. Ask students to listen for specific information about Hu Wen's lifestyle and tick the correct boxes. Then check answers as a class activity.

Answers: 1.c 2.c 3.c 4.b 5.c 6.c

Step 5: Extension activities

Ask students to enter Hu Wen's score and their own score in the table in Part A3. Students analyze the health scores for Hu Wen and themselves. Read out three categories. Ask students to put up their hands for each category. Count the number of students in each category to see how healthy or unhealthy the class is.

Write a class profile on the blackboard with the number of students for each category. Students could put up this information for class display.

Step 6: Making an interview

Work in pairs, ask each other the questions in Part A4. Then work out partners' health score. And write a report on him/her (Part A5).

Step 7: Discussion

Ask students to give some suggestions to their partners according to their health reports. Tell them how to be healthier.

Step 8: Making a summary

T: In this period, we've known more about our own health information and our partners' by completing a 'Lifestyle' questionnaire. And we've talked about how to be healthier.

Step 9: Homework

Oral work: Go on with the questionnaire, do it with your families.

Written work: Teachers can assign this part according to their own conditions.



初一英语A visit to an island 教案

初一英语《Food and drink》教案 



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