初一英语《Do you have an eraser?》教案



英语是义务教育阶段的必修课。通过英语课程的学习,学生获得英语基本知识和技能,逐渐形成正确的世界观,人生观和价值观。下面是初一英语《Do you have an eraser?》教案,欢迎参考!










Step 1  Revision

1 Check homework

2 Revise dialogues from Lesson 86, Part 2. Have several pairs, other than the pairs that were chosen in the last lesson to share their dialogues with the class.

3 Revise family relationships, e.g. aunt, uncle, grandma, etc.

Step 2  Presentation

Ask Who do you ask for help? Write this question on the Bb. In pairs, have students discuss it, and they may also discuss when was the last time they asked for help from someone. Give the students about 3 minutes to discuss, then come back together as a class. Have a few students volunteer to answer.

Step 3  Read and act

1 SB Page 28, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 87. Books closed! Ask and write the question on the Bb, Why does Jim want Uncle Johns help? (Somethings wrong with Jims computer.) Play the tape, students listen. Check for the correct answer. Books open! Play the tape again and have students repeat.

2 In pairs, have the students practice the dialogue. For the girls, let them change the names from Uncle John to Aunt Jan, and from Jim to Jenny. Choose several pairs to perform their dialogue for the class.

Step 4  Practice

Note: For this activity, instruct the students that in English when introducing ourselves on the telephone, we do not say I am…, rather we say This is…

1 In pairs, have students write a 10 line dialogue using the dialogue in Part 1 as an example. The dialogue should be on the telephone. They may use any topic they wish. As they are writing their dialogue, walk around and give help as needed.

2 Choose several pairs to present their dialogue.

Step 5  Read and chant

First read the chant aloud together as a class. Pay attention to the rhythm, intonation and pronunciation. The first line of each section is rising because it is a question. Next, divide the class into seven groups. Assign each group a day of the week. Each group should take a few minutes and practise their part of the chant. When you point to a group, they should say their chant together, Continue in this way for the entire chant. If time permits, assign new parts for each group and say the chant again.

Step 6  Workbook

SB Page 103, Wb Lesson 87, Exx. 1 and 2. Make sure the students understand the dialogue in Ex. 1. Let them read it in pairs after completing it. Ex. 3 is optional. Students are encouraged to give different sentences. Collect sentences from the class. Students should be encouraged if they make good sentences.


Write down the sentences as Ex. 2 requires. Tell the students to pay attention to the use of prepositions on, in or at.

以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家提供的初一英语《Do you have an eraser?》教案,当人们很随意地学习东西的时候,依着自己的兴趣学东西的时候,学习就会变成一件乐事。

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