七年级Unit 1 My name’s Gina教案



古人云:凡事预则立,不预则废。每项工作都需要有计划的进行,才能取得理想的效果。下面是七年级Unit 1 My name’s Gina教案,欢迎参考!

Ⅰ.找出每组词汇中不属于同 一类的选项

(    )1.A.my B.his C.you D.her

(    )2.A.what B.his C.your D.my

(    )3.A.telephone B.card C.clock D.family

(    )4.A.number B.eight C.seven D.six

(    )5.A.two B.four C.six D.nine

(    )6.A.Peter B.Amy C.Linda D.Mary

(    )7.A.Smith B.Bill C.Brown D.Bush

(    )8.A.first name B.last name C.family name D.phone number


Barry Vickers  Tony Green Michael

Bill Paula Jones Mark Amy

Gina Liza Peter Smith Linda

Brown Cooper Black Grace Mary

First name  boys’ name  (9)

girls’ name (10)

last name (11)

Ⅲ.用英语完成下列 算式

12.____-two=two   13.____+one=ni ne  14.Nine-____=six

15.____+four=six   16.____-six=three  17.Five+____=six

18.One-one =____  19.Four+four=____  20.Eight-three=____


21.What ________ your name?   22.My name ________ Tom.

23.I ________ John Brown.    24.Her name ________ Lucy.

25.________ his name Peter?    26.________ you Kate?

27.My phone number ________ 2836579. 28.It ________ my English book.

29.His family name ________ White.  30.I ________ in Grade One.


(    )31.________ your name,please? My name is Jim.

A.What       B.What’s       C.Who           D.Who’s

(    )32.I am ________ ,I am an English boy.

A.John Brown                   B.Brown John

C.Gina Green                   D.Green Gina

(    )33.My mother is Alice Johnson. ________ phone number is 2546809.

A.His         B.Your         C.Her        D.Its

(    )34.I ________ Ken. My family name ________ Martin.

A.am,am     B.is,is        C.is,am       D.am, is

(    )35.— Good morning,Miss Gao!

— ________!

A.Hello                       B.Hi

C.Good morning                D.Thank you

(    )36.— Nice to meet you.

— ________.

A.Thank you                   B.The same to you

C.Don’t say so                  D.Nice to meet you,too

(    )37.________ name is Mark and ________ name is Liza.

A.His,his    B.Her,her      C.His,her     D.Her,his

(    )38.— What’s your car number?

— ________ 321471.

A.I ’m         B.It’s          C.Its           D.My car is

(    )39.— Hello,Jim.

— ________.

A.Yes         B.Thank you    C.Hello,Kate  D.Yes,Kate

(    )40.— Sit down,please.

— ________.

A.Yes         B.No          C.Fine         D.Thank you

(    )41.I ________ Tom. What ________ your name?

A.am,am     B.am,is       C.is,is        D.is, am

(    )42.“Sit down,please. ”“ ________ .”

A.Fine        B.Thank you    C.Thanks you    D.Yes

(    )43.“What’s this? ”“ ________. ”

A.It’s pen      B.This is pen    C.It’s a pen      D.This is an pen

(    )44.“What’s that? ”“ ________. ”

A.It’s milk     B.That is a milk  C.It’s a milk     D.That’s an milk

(     )45.________ is my friend.

A.Mr Frank    B.Frank Mr     C.Mr Black      D.Black Mr

(     )46.________ is a good friend.

A.Michael     B.Colin        C.Walter         D.Tina

(    )47.I’m an English boy. My name’s ________.

A.Amy       B.David         C.Nancy        D.Julia

(    )48.What color is our national(国家的)flag? It’s ________.

A.a red       B.red           C.orange        D.an orange

(    )49.Let’s ________ the map.

A.look        B.look at        C.look to       D.see

(    )50.What’s this ________ ? It’s a hat.

A.in the English                  B.in English

C.for English                   D.at English


51.name, is, her, family, James (.)

52.name, Green, Jim, my, is (.)

53.to, you, morning, good (.)

54.nice, you, meet, to, too (.)

55.name, her, is, what (?)

56.blue, is, pencil, case, my (.)

57.and, Amy, he, friends, good, are (.)

58.look, the, at, let’s, phone (.)

59.the, color, picture, please, red (.)

60.English, your, is, what, name (?)



His name is John.


His telephone number is 2896436.

63._______________________________________________ _____________?

My family name is Perez.


His car number is 461488.


My first name is Alice.


A.It’s Kay. B.Nice to see you, Beth. C.Nice to meet you, too.

D.It’s green.  E.I’m Eli. F.Thank you.

G.It’s a hat.  H.That’s right. I.Yes. J—A —M—E—S, James.

J.It’s Dianhua.  K.All right. L.That’s all right.

66.What’s your name, please?    67.Sorry, I am late.

68.Who’s that?       69.What’s this?

70.Nice to meet you.      71.Can you spell your name?

72.Draw a TV, please.      73.What color is it?

74.What’s the Chinese for“phone”?  75.This is Beth, John.

本文章的主要内容是七年级Unit 1 My name’s Gina教案,威廉希尔app 欢迎您来阅读并提出宝贵意见!



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