冀教版初三英语上册Touch the world教案格式:unit2



威廉希尔app 为大家整理了Touch the world教案格式,供大家参考和学习,希望对大家的学习和成绩的提高有所帮助。

I .Teaching aims: (教学目标)

1. to practice reading skills(训练阅读技巧)

2. to read a text to find out specific facts(读课文找信息)

3. to practise the use of phrasal verbs with give, go and drop(学会运用词组)

4. to learn different lifestyles of some millionaires(了解百万富翁的生活方式)

5. to learn western people’s attitude towards money(了解西方国家对金钱的看法)

6. to lead students build up correct attitude towards money(引导学生树立正确的金钱观)

II. Teaching stresses: (教学重点)

1.      understand the text

2.      use the information from the text to finish some exercises

3.      learn to use phrasal verbs

4.      help students build up correct attitude towards money

Teaching difficulties: (教学难点)

1.      to use phrasal verbs correctly

2.      help students build up correct attitude towards money

III. Teaching methods: (教学方法)

1.      task-based teaching(任务型教学法)

2.      communication teaching(交际型教学法)

IV. Teaching aids(教具): multimedia(多媒体)

V. Teaching procedures: (教学过程)

Step1. Warm-up(一.导入——歌曲《金钱》,展示百万富翁的图片)

1.      sing a song “Money, Money, Money”

2.      questions:

Would you like to be a millionaire? Why or why not?

Do you know any millionaires?

3.      show pictures of four millionaires: Beckham, Li Jiacheng, Bill Gates, Cheng Long.

Step 2:  Listening

T: Now listen to the cassette you will know why there are such people that don’t want to be a millionaire.

Then ask the students to answer the question.

Step 3: Reading

Reading comprehension:(二. 阅读理解)

Task1: Fast reading (快速阅读)

•        Read the text quickly and finish exercise 2,T/F/NI

Charles Gray was a rich businessman.(F)

He hasn’t got a stove in his dormitory.(NI)

He has got a vegetable garden. (T)

Charles gave his money away to poor people. (T)

People thought he was drunk when he gave away small bank notes in the street. (NI)

He was happier when he was rich. (F)

Check the answers:

Task2: Detailed reading(细读)

Find out the phrases from the text and match them with the correct meanings(找出词组并完成相关词组练习)

a.       to return

b.       to stop doing sth.

c.        to change or leave a lifestyle

d.       to give someone something you don’t need

1. to give away

•        2. to drop out

•        3. to give up

•        4. to go back


Check the answers: 1. d   2. c  3. b  4. a

Important phrases:

•        1.be determined to决心…

•        2.dream up虚构出

•        3.make sure确定,证实

•        4.turn one’s back on不理睬

•        5.give up放弃

•        6.be tired of厌烦

•        7.give away赠送,分发

•        8.drop out不参与,离去,放弃

Step4 Grammar


看了上文为大家整理的Touch the world教案格式是不是感觉轻松了许多呢?一起与同学们分享吧.


冀教版初三英语上册A universe of thought教案格式:unit2  

冀教版初三英语上册Great people教案格式:Unit 2 



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