上海牛津版英语初三上册module2教案模板:Unit 3:Computers



Supporting details  Calculating machine

 Analytical machine

 Universal machine

 PC

 laptop  tubes

 transistors

 chips

 network

 world wide web  communications

 finance

 trade

 robots

 mobile phones

 space rockets

 providing a life of

high quality

Period 2: Learning about Language

Teaching Aims:

To learn to use The Present Perfect Passive Voice

To discover useful words and expression

To discover useful structures


I. Warming up by reading to the tape

To begin with, turn to page 18, listening to and reading to the recording of the text WHO AM I? Attention goes to the pauses and intonation, as well as the pronunciation of the reader.

II. Discovering useful words and expressions

In pairs do the exercises 1, 2 and 3 on pages 20. You must finish them in 10 minutes.

III. Learning about grammar

1. Passive Voice—Overview

Tense or Model Passive Sentence

Simple Present The TOEFL exam is given every six months.

Simple past The TOEFL exam was given last month.

Simple Future The TOEFL exam this year will be given on October15.

Present Continuous The TOEFL exam is being given every year.

Present perfect The TOEFL exam has been given every year since 1950.

Past perfect The TOEFL exam had been given before the Vietnam War occurred.

Simple Modal The TOEFL exam should be given to every Foreign student.

Past Modal The TOEFL exam should have been given to all to enter US colleges.

2. The Present Perfect Passive Voice

The structure of The Present Perfect Passive Voice is: have/ has + been+~ed

IV. Reading aloud and discovering

Now go back to page 18 to read aloud and discover in the text examples of The Present Perfect Passive Voice.

…as a laptop, I have been used in offices and homes since the 1970s.

Since the 1970s many new applications have been found for me.

V. Discovering useful structure

We shall do grammar exercises 1, 2 and 3 on page 21.

VI. Closing down by doing a quiz

Correct the mistakes in these passive voice sentences

Example: The house was build in 1880. (correct = The house was built in 1880.)

1.  3000 employees were laying off.

2.  A story will made up.

3.  An idea was putted forward for discussion.

4.  Has the book been give back to you yet?

5.  My bank loan will be payed off in five years time.

6.  Nothing can be hold against me.

7.  Our allies will be lend support.

8.  She has never heard of.

9.  She was being knocked down by a bus.

10.  She was letted off with a fine.

11.  The candle was blow out by the draught.

12.  The criminal were locked up.

13.  The flood water was be kept back by barriers.

14.  The inconvenience will made up for by this money.

15.  The keys must have been being left behind.

16.  The old cinema is being pull down.

17.  The protesters being held back by the police.

18.  The road was blocking off.

19.  Thirty more people were laid off last week.

20.  Your jacket can be hanged up over there.

Period 3: Using Language

Teaching Aims:

To discuss about IT

To write a report about IT

To read about androids or robots


I. Warming up by talking about IT

What is Information technology?

Information technology (IT) or information and communication technology (ICT) is the technology required for information processing. In particular the use of electronic computers and computer software to convert, store, protect, process, transmit, and retrieve information from anywhere, anytime.



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