鲁教版初三英语《When was it invented?》教案设计:上册



提前做好教学规划,可以帮助教师理清新课时的教学思路,进而提高课堂效率。以下是威廉希尔app 为老师提供的When was it invented教案设计,希望在老师的教学中能够有所帮助。

Teaching aims:

1 New words: crispy, customer,salty ,by mistake ,sour.

2  Key structures:

Potato chips were invented by mistake.

Do you know how  potato chips were invented?

By learning this lesson the students can     describe the tastes of some food.

4 By learning this lesson the students can repeat the history of potato chips.

Teaching important points :  the words that describe tastes,such  as sweet,sour,salty ,crispy.

Teaching difficult points:  repeat the history of potato chips.

Teaching methods:  task-based teaching methods,  pair work , group work ,retell the story.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1  Leading in.

Tell the students today we are going to talk about the food and the drink we like.How many kinds of foods and drinks can you say in a minute?

The students give the answers.

Then ask what is your favourite food?

The students give the answers.

Step 2   Presentation

Show a lot of food and drinks to the students,such as: banana,apple,lemon ,orange,Fench fries,salted duck egg,grapes,tea ice cream.

Then ask  how do these food taste?

And lead the students to say out the answers: banana,  apple, ice cream –sweet

Lemons, graps, oranges-sour.

French fries –crispy.

Salted duck eggs, French fries –salted.

Then  students read the four words of taste again and again.and  ask them to remember these words.

After that tell the students  to do Section B, 1a and 1b.

If necessary correct their mitakes..

Step 3   Listening

Get the studentsto listen to the taps and finish the listening exercises,then check answers: T F T F F T.

Then get the students to read the listening tests,be sure to understand the test.then tell them by mistake means 错误的and it isdifferent from by accident.

Step 4   Practice 1e.

1 Play the recording of the history of chips again,get the students repeat it after it.

2 Student make a conversation according to the information in 1c and 1d.

3 Ask two or three groups to act it out.

Step 5   Retell the story.

1 The students take out a piece of paper and try to rewrite the history of potato chips.

2 Ask two or three students toread their stories.

3 The students work in groups to share their answers,report the history of different kinds of foods and drinks.

4 Choose at least three or four stories to share with the whole class.

Step 6   Summary

Say in this class we learned four words to describe the taste ,we also did listening prictice of the history of potato chips, we rewrote the story and shared your own stories, and each of you have done a good job.

Step 7   Homework.

Please try to do exercises in Self Check.

Blackboard design:

Unit 6 When was it invented ?

Section B 1a-1e

Banana ,apple, ice cream—sweet

Lemons ,oranges ,graps—sour

Fench fries—crispy

Salted duck eggs ,French fries-salty

by mistake错误的

by accident意外的

看完威廉希尔app 初中频道推荐的When was it invented教案设计,相信老师对教学设计、规划也有了更清楚的掌握,更多参考资料尽在威廉希尔app 。


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