


e.g. Your schoolbag is not here. Please go downstairs and fetch it.


something to eat表示“吃的东西”。

Step 9 Listening

1. Listen and mark the pauses.

I’ll finish my high school education here, but I want to go back to my home

town one day. What are your plans, Daming?

2. Listen again and repeat.

Step 10 Read and listen

1. Read and mark the pauses.

Let’s raise our glasses. Here’s to our friendship, everyone … and to the future!

2. Listen and check.

Step 11 Ask and answer

Ask and answer the questions in Part 8 in pairs.

1 What are your plans and hopes for the future?

2 Are you going to have a school-leavers’ party?

3 What will you do on your holiday?

4 Will you miss your friends and classmates? Why or why not?

Step 12 Exercises

Let students do more exercises to master the language points.

1 -Would you mind lending me your pen?

- _________

A. Pardon?     B. Let’s go.

C. I hope so.   D. Cheers.

2 I like listening to the song because it has a great ________.

A. look B. pancake C. handbag D. beat

3 Betty intends ______ for America next month.

A. leave  B. leaving  C. to leave  D. left

4 The cake is over there, ____ it for me, please.

A. take    B. fetch   C. carry      D. with

Keys: ADCB

Step 13 Homework


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