


教案是老师为讲授新一课而做的教学设计和设想,编写教案要依据教科书和教学大纲,从学生的实际出发,精心设计,威廉希尔app 准备了初三英语第五单元unit1教案设计,希望对大家有用。

Unit 1 We’d better get you to hospital.


 Knowledge objective

Words and expressions: catch up, agreement, blind, ouch, call off

 Ability objective


 Moral objective





学会catch up, call of等短语的使用。


PWP method, task-based method and interactive approach


A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures


Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Warming up

Ss look the pictures and answer the questions.

Step 2 Look and say

Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

1. Do you think the person is seriously hurt?

2. What do you think has happened to him?

Step 3 Listening

1. Listen to Part 2 and answer the questions.

1. Has Tony’s dad ever had an accident?

2. How long did it take for the wound to get better after Tony’s dad cut his finger?

3. What parts of his body hurt after Tony’s dad fell off his bike?

4. What is Tony reading about for his school trip?

Keys: Yes, he has.

About a month.

His knee and shoulder.

He is reading about personal safety and accidents in the mountains.

Step 4 Reading

1. Now complete the accident report.

Accident report

Where:___________________   Who:______

What happened: ________________________


How the person was hurt: ________________

2. Learning to learn

Timely revision is important in learning. When you review your lessons, try to list the key structures and expressions and more importantly, note any occasions where you had difficulty in learning.

3. Read the dialogue and answer the questions.

1) Why did Mr Jackson decide to go and look for Tony and Daming?

2) What happened to Daming?

3) When did the accident happen?

Keys: Because it’s going to rain.

He fell over when he was running down the steps. He’s hit his head and his leg hurts.

About ten minutes ago.

4. Complete the passage with the words and expressions in the box.

accident,   agreement,   blind,   catch up,   hurt

We had a(n) (1) _________ to stay together, but Tony and Daming were too slow. We stopped to wait for them to (2) ________. But Daming had a(n) (3) _______ and (4) ____ himself. He was afraid of going (5) ______ because he could not see very well. It was nothing serious, though. However, we had to call off the walk and go home.

Keys: agreement, catch up, accident, hurt, blind

Step 5 Everyday English

Let Ss say what they have learnt in the passage.

• Who’s missing?

• How do you feel?

• It’s nothing serious.

Step 6 Language points

Ss should master the main points from the passage in Part 3. If possible, let the students to say at first.

1. They’ll catch up in a few minutes.

catch up  赶上

catch up with sb. 赶上某人

e.g. He caught up with his classmates soon. 他很快就赶上了他的同学。

2. I thought we had an agreement to stay together.

agreement   同意,意见一致

have an agreement to do sth. 同意去做某事    等于agree to do sth.

e.g. Our class had an agreement to have a picnic next week.


3. Will I go blind?

blind  adj. 失明的;瞎的

e.g. Tom helped the blind man across the road.



e.g. Love is blind and sometimes deaf.


4. It’s nothing serious.

nothing serious   不很严重,没什么大事

e.g. Don’t worry! Nothing serious!



e.g. Is there anything important?


5. Tony, tell everyone we have to call off the walk and go back home.

call off   取消,决定终止

e.g. The president has called off the meeting.


Step 7 Listening

1. Listen and mark the pauses.

It’s Daming. He’s had an accident. He fell over when he was running down the steps. He’s hit his head and his leg hurts. I think he’s broken his leg.

2. Now listen again and repeat.

Step 8 Speaking

1. Read aloud. Make sure you pause in the right places and then listen and check.

Of course you will! It’s nothing serious. Tony, tell everyone we have to call off the walk and go back home.

Now listen again and repeat.

2. Talk about an accident you have had and say in pairs.

• where it happened

It happened on my way to school.

• what happened

A car stopped in front of me. I fell off my bike.

• how you were hurt

I cut my face, and hurt my arms and knees.

• how long it took to get better

It was three weeks before I could ride my bike again.

Step 9 Exercises

1. I have ____ to tell you. Please come to my office.

A. something important

B. anything important

C. important something

D. important anything

2. The two companies has had a(n) ____ to open a new factory in the north of China.

A. blood                 B. group

C. agreement              D. mobile

3. Hurry up, and we’ll _____ other students in front of us.

A. go up                  B. catch up

C. get up                  D. sit up

4. He ______ the trip because of the bad weather.

A. call off                 B. called off

C. call up                  D. called up

Keys: A, C, B, B

Step 10 Homework




九年级英语Unit 3教案:第三单元  




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