


教案是老师为讲授新一课而做的教学设计和设想,编写教案要依据教科书和教学大纲,从学生的实际出发,精心设计,威廉希尔app 准备了初三学年英语第四章unit2教案设计,希望对大家有用。

Unit 2 We must keep the camp clean.


 Knowledge objective

Key vocabulary—tent, fall, hang, sudden, gun, soft, still, wood, blood

Key structures—fall asleep

 Ability objective

To get information about the outside camping.

 Moral objective

To know more about other life rules and protect ourselves better.


To learn some rules and suggestions in the passage.


To get information from the article.


PWP method, task-based method


A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures


Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Lead-in

Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

Are you afraid of bears?

Can bears run very fast in the forest?

Can bears climb the tree?

Can they smell food from far away?

What should we do when we meet a bear?

Step 2 Consolidate new words and expressions

Look and say. The teacher shows the pictures of new words or expressions and let the students to say as quickly as possible.

tent n. 帐篷

fall  v. 摔倒

hang v. 悬挂

sudden adj. 突然的

gun  n. 枪

soft  adj.  软的

still  adj. 静止的;不动的

wood  n.  树林

blood  n.  血;血液

fall asleep  入睡;睡着

Step 3 Pre-reading

Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1. What is the bear doing?

2. What do you think the people in the tent should do?

Step 4 Listening

Listen to Part 2 and answer the questions.

1. What did they feel after walking for about eight hours?

2. Who opened the bag of food?

Keys: They were tired.

The bear.

Step 5 Reading

1. Read the passage and answer the questions.

1) Where do you think is the best place to keep food safe from bears?

2) What was the noise behind the writer?

3) Do you think their camping trip was interesting?

2. Read the passage and complete the table.

What happened What they should or should not do

In the middle of the first night, the writer heard a _____________ outside. And the bag of food ___________. They should ____________________.

During the second night, the bears came again and ___________ from the tree. They should _________________ and ________________.

On the fourth day, the writer saw ______________________________

_______________. Then _________ came. He should not ____________________


3. Complete the passages with the words in the box

blood   gun   sticks   sudden

On the third day of our camping trip, Ben told us that if we saw a bear, we should not make any (1) _______ moves. We did not have a (2) _______ to keep ourselves safe. The next day, I saw a baby bear playing with some (3) ________ and stones.

His mother arrived soon, and I was so afraid that my (4) _______ went cold. I did not move until the bears walked away. Then I ran back to my friends as fast as I could.

Keys:  sudden gun   sticks   blood

Read the passage and fill in the blanks according to the passage.

Step 6 Language points

To learn about the main points in the passage.

1. On the first evening, the three of us were tired after walking for about eight hours.

on the first evening表示“在第一个晚上”,当表示具体某一天的早上、中午或晚上是,要用介词on。

e.g. On the evening of March 5th, he moved his new home.


the three of us指“我们三个人”。

而three of us则指“我们中的三个人”(我们不只三个人)。

2. We soon fell asleep.

fall asleep表示“入睡,睡着”。

e.g. The girl fell asleep when listening to the soft music.

3. We should hang the food in a tree tonight.


e.g. The tiger hung its food in a tree after it was full.

hang on,意为“耐心等待;稍等;别挂电话”,相当于hold on。

e.g. Hang on! She will be back soon.

4. We put up the tent and fell asleep.

put up表示“挂起,张贴”。

e.g. Let’s put up the map at the back of the classroom.


put down ①放下;②写下,(用笔等)记下;③镇压,平定。

put off ①推迟,拖延;②使(某人)分心;③关掉;④让(某人)下车。

put on ①穿上;②涂,抹;③开(灯等);④上演,演出;⑤假装。

put up with 容忍,忍受

5. OK, let’s tidy up and move on.

tidy up表示“收拾,整理”。名词作宾语时,既可以放在tidy与up之间,也可以放在tidy up后面;代词作宾语时,只能放在tidy与up之间。

e.g. Tidy up your things, and we will set off soon.

He wants to tidy his desk up.

The bed is a mess. You’d better tidy it up.

6. You mustn’t make any sudden moves or make a sound.


e.g. The driver made a sudden turning to avoid to run into the rider.

7. Suddenly, I saw a baby bear playing with some sticks and stones.

see sb. doing sth. 表示“看到某人正在做某事或某事正在发生”。

e.g. I saw him crossing the road.

8. If I reach out, I can just touch him.

reach out表示“伸出(手臂)”。

e.g. The monkey reached out a hand for the banana.


reach for 伸手拿

beyond the reach of 无法得到/理解

out of (the) reach (of) 无法拿到/联系上/抓到

9. I stood very still.


e.g. The dragonfly was still on the lake.

10. For the next ten days, every time there was a sudden noise, my blood went cold.

every time在句中引导时间状语从句,表示“每次……, 每当……”。

其它类似的有: the moment, next time, last time等。

e.g. Be sure to visit the museum, next time you come to our city.

Step 7 Writing

1. Think of an area of countryside nearby. Answer the questions and make notes. You can use reference books or the internet to help you.

Where is it?

Why do people go there?

Are there any dangers from animals?

How can we protect ourselves?

What should we do to look after the place?

2. Write sentences with the notes you have made in Activity 5.

• Say where it is.

Lushan National Park is in Jiangxi Province.

• Say why people go there.

People go there to see the mountains and streams.

• Say if there are any dangers from animals.

The fish and birds there are not dangerous, but there are some snakes.

• Say how we can protect ourselves.

We mustn’t walk in the grass.

• Say what we should do to look after the place.

We should allow only 1,000 people to visit it each day.

3. Write a passage called Look after the countryside and yourself. Use the sentences you have written in Activity 6 to help you.

Step 8 Summary

Let Ss talk about what they have learnt in class.


fall asleep             in the middle of

put up                tidy up

see sb. doing sth.       reach out

stand still             every time

Step 9 Exercises

Let the students practice the main points in Unit 2.

1. The student felt so tired that he ____ in class.

A. fall asleep      B. fell asleep    C. fall a sleep          D. fell sleep

2. ______, a rabbit ran out from the wood.

A. Suddenly       B. Sudden        C. Still

3. I saw the boy _____ the old woman with the housework just now.

A. help          B. helping     C. to help      D. is helping

4. The young man will buy some gifts for his wife ______ he comes back from abroad.

A. every day        B. every time         C. every place

Keys: BABB

Step 10 Homework

If your classmates want to go swimming, please give some suggestions about safety.







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