





2. (教师展示1a中的孔子图和1c中的孔子讲学图,并进一步对孔子进行介绍。呈现新词汇。板书,要求掌握。)

pass away

3. Listen to 1a. And answer the questions on the blackboard.

(1)Whom are they talking about?

(2) When was he born?

(3) Have his wise sayings influenced many people?


4. Read 1a, please. Find out the sentences that describe Confucius within 2 minutes.


5. 对于对孔子的描述,教师从中找出一句作为例子,对who引导的定语从句进行必要的讲解,并且要提到that和who引导的定语从句的共同点,并举例说明。

Step 3 Consolidation (时间:8分钟)

1.Work in groups of four. Use attributive clauses to introduce Confucius. Discuss with their partner.

2. Let Ss retell 1a in the form of a short passage based on the description of Confucius in the dialog.

Step 4 Practice (时间:10分钟)

1.(1)Read the sentences in 1c and talk about them in group, then give the right order.And check the answers together.

(2) Read 1c again. Discuss in groups and find out the sentences that Ss can’t understand.

(3)Look at the time on the small blackboard. Try to retell Confucius’ life in order.

2. (1)let Ss learn something about Ying Zheng who was the first emperor of China. Listen to the tape twice. Then finish 2.

(2) Check answers with your partner, then I’ll give you the right answers.

(3)Listen to the tape for the last time and try to get a deep understanding.

1.Make a survey about the influences of Confucius and his thoughts. Please fill in the

chart. Do Confucius and Confucius’ thoughts influence you a lot, just so-so, or none?

Name A lot Just so-so None Favorite sayings of Confucius

2. Homework:

(1)Join the sentences with“that/who”to form attributive clauses.

①She is a girl. I want to meet her.

②The boy is my brother. The boy stands in front of the house.

③The astronaut is coming here. The astronaut is Yang Liwei.

④He is a student. He comes from the suburb.

(2)Make personal files about Chinese ancient famous people.

①Collect the pictures of Chinese ancient famous people.

②Write down the information about them on the pictures.

(For example: Name, Birthplace, Experience...)

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