Unit 3初三年级下学期英语教案范文







1.Ask two students to give some latest news they watched or heard last night.

2. After that, ask the two students to give some questions about the news, and let the other students answer.

Read about the three astronauts and ask and answer the questions.

Ask the students to make a short dialogue.

Ask the Ss read through the words and show them the example,-then let them complete the table

Show the students a picture and tell the students something about Mother Teresa.

Direct the students to give a talk about a hero they know..

Make Sure that everyone in each group takes active part in it.

Listen and evaluate

Arrange homework

Individual work: Try to report the news with the past tense correctly.

Whole-class work:

Ask and answer questions about the news.

Ss work in pairs using the sentences: When did the first Soviet astronaut go into space? Etc. to make dialogues.

Finish the table according to the passage about Yang Liwei and Zhan Tianyou, then try to introdue them with the words in the table.

Ask some questions about this part.

Group work:

Discuss with each other in groups. Choose the useful one. Then write them down and design the talk.

Choose one to be the speaker.

Whole-class work:

Give the talk in class. Appreciate the other groups'.

Finish their talk.

Finish the workbook

Warm up and interest the Ss

Oral practice

Revise the vocabulary and the past simple tense.

Revise past simple wh- questions.

Revise the passage again and train their skill of speaking.

Enlarge the ss' eyesight and arouse their interest of the culture.

Through expressing their talks, enhance their cooperation and confidence.

Consolidate the knowledge they have learned in this module.


Blackboard design

小编为大家精心推荐的Unit 3初三年级下学期英语教案还满意吗?相信大家都会仔细阅读,加油哦!






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