外研版九年级英语下册教案:Module 2 Education



T: Ok, can you tell me which building do you like best ? Why? Please ask and answer in pairs like this:

A: Do you like computer room best?

B: No, I like laboratory best. Because I can do physics experiments there. I

like learning physics. Which one is your favourite?

A: My favourite building is the playgound. Because I can have P.E. lessons there. I am good at sporting. What about you, Wangjun?

C: ...

Ss: (The students take turns to practise.)

Then ask some students to act out their dialogue in front of the whole class.

Step 4: Listening

In this procedure, ask students to listen and complete the sentences in Activity 2.

T: Well done, everyone! Here's a recording about Betty and Daming's school life... Now listen and complete the sentences. The words and expressions in the box may help you.

Check the answers with the class.

T: Now, we have got the right answers to the exercise. I want you to ask and answer in pairs to be more familiar with the words.

Step 5: Listening and reading

In this procedure, ask students to listen to the conversation and complete the chart in Activity 4 and answer the questions in Activity 5.


T: Now, you will listen to the conversation about Park School. While you are listening, you should take notes and then complete the table according to the notes you have taken.

Listen again and check the answers with the whole class.

The sample answers to Activity 4:

Name of School

Park School

Number of pupils in school


Number of pupils in class


Items in the classroom

a computer and Internet

Other rooms/buildings

A few science laboratories and a large library. A music room and a hall for concerts.


a swimming pool and a huge sports ground.


T: Read the conversation carefully again and answer the questions in Activity 5.

Show the questions on the screen:

1. Did the friends know that Tony was going to see Sally?

2. Did Tony meet Sally at Park School or somewhere else?

3. Did someone give Tony the photos?

4. Is Lingling surprised at the number of pupils in a class? How do you know?

5. What do you think makes Park School better or worse than their school?

6. Why does Lingling think they are all going to get top grades?

The sample answers to Activity 5:



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