


Do Exercise 1 in the students' books. Read through the phrases in the boxes, and make up true sentences by themselves. Then check the answers with the whole class.

Let the students do some translation exercises.

V. Presentation

Revise the instruction for planting trees, using “should” and “must” .

(not + be + past participle). Then tell the students that we can use the Passive Voice in the same way. Give them some examples.

1. The homework must be done.

2. The fish must be cooked.

3. The books should be returned tomorrow.

4. The tree must be tied to the stick.

5. The hole should be dug first.

Let them repeat the sentences. Point out the use of must/ should + Passive Voice. Then help the students change the sentences into the Active Voice and make sure they can understand the difference between the Active and Passive Voice.

For instance:

We should plant many more trees. (Active)

Many more trees should be planted. ( Passive)

The Passive Voice is used when it is not necessary to mention the doer of the action.

VI. Practice

Get the students to make up sentences using the words in the boxes. Do Exercise 2 and Exercise 3. First do the first one as an example, then let the students work in pails, and make up sentences. Collect some examples from the whole class.







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