


不光愉快的过假期,也要面对一件重要的事情那就是学习。威廉希尔app 为大家提供了初三年级第二学期英语教案,希望对大家有所帮助。

Teaching Objectives:

I. Practise listening ability.

2. Learn some dialogues.

Language Focus: Checkpoint 11.

Teaching Procedures:

I. Showing the teaching aims

II. Revision

Revise the dialogues and some sentences orally. Then choose some good sentences from the students homework and read them to the class.

III. Leading in

Tell the students today they are going to hear about Tree Planting Day. Think about the two questions: What happens on Tree Planting Day? How do you plant a tree?

Books open, Look at Exercise, and read through the questions, make sure they can understand them.

Get the students to read the dates and numbers about.

IV. Presentation

Play the tape for the students to listen and check the answers;

1.A 2.B 3.A 4. B 5.C 6.A

Get the students to listen to the tape again, then read and repeat the sentences.

V. Dialogues

Listen to three dialogues, then repeat after the cassette. Get the students to practis the dialogues in pairs, then let them act it out in class.

VI. Practice

Ask the students to do Exercise 3, Write down their answers in the table.

VII. Checkpoint 11

Go through Checkpoint 11. Revise the formation of the Passive Voice with “must/ should /can /may + past participle. Get the students to say some rules for the class using the structure, e. g.

1. English should be spoken everywhere at school.

2. Windows may be cleaned after class.

3. Teeth must be cleaned everyday.

Remind the students of the difference in the meaning of “must” (obligation) should (ought to) “can” and “may” (possible). Make sure the students can understand the meaning and the use of the useful expressions.







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