


Step 2 Reading

Leading-in: Everyone of you has your own thought. Let’s read an article written by a teenagers like you. While reading, please try to find out the answers to the questions below.

Check the answers.

T plays the tape for Ss to listen and repeat. Then get them to read it out loudly.

T explains some language points.

Step 3 Pairwork  3b

Role play. Use the information in 3a to have a conversation like the sample conversation in the box.

Step 4 Task 4 The best opinion

“What school rules do you think should be changed in our school?” Get Ss to discuss with their partners and then write down what both of them think should be changed on the paper given by T. Later, discuss those statements on the paper with the whole class and tell them to give the best one to the headmaster as good advice.

Step 5 Task 5  4

Suppose: you and your partner are starting a new Saturday English club. Discuss with him. Make a list of rules about what should and should not be allowed.

Step 6 Writing practice

Self Check  Ex.2 get Ss to read the article and then practice writing a letter using the target language.

Step 7 Summary and homework

Finish Ex.1 in Self Check.

Period Five

Reading---That’s cool.

Step 1 Warming-up

Ask: What does the word “cool” mean to you? Give some examples. Ss talk about their own opinions freely.

Step 2 While-reading

Go through the reading and match the people with their opinions in 2 on page 24 and complete the sentences in 4 on page 25.

Step 3 Deep comprehension

Ss read the article more carefully. Try to guess the meanings of the new words. And match the words and expression_rs with their meanings in 3 on page 25. Then get Ss to make sentences with them.

Step 4 Groupwork  5

Get Ss to finish the groupwork in 5 on page 25 by asking their group members.

Step 5 Summary and homework

Write a report about what your classmates think about “cool”.



九年级上册英语教案:《William Shakespeare》教案  




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