九年级上册英语教案:Review The weather 教学设计




Warming upPlay the song “weather reportEnjoy the songLead in

presentationShow them some words about the weather .make sure all the students can read and know the meaning of each word.

Ask several students to read them out .Read the words together and then one by one .To make the students master the vocabulary

Pair workShow them two pictures . and ask them some questions .

1. what is the weather like today ?

2. what was the weather like yesterday ?

3. what will the weather be like tomorrow ?

make sure the students can answer these questions correctly .Look at the pictures and answer the questions one by one .To improve the students’

skills of speaking English

Group work1.Show them four pictures about the four seasons and ask the students to describe them . then have some students talk it in class .

2. make the students write it down. 1.Talk about the pictures in groups and some individual students present their reporter .

2. write down the short passage on the exercise book and read it in class .To improve the students’ skills of speaking and writing .

Reading comprehension Before reading , teach them how to do this kind of exercise . teach them the skills .

Show them a passage , ask the students to read it and answer five questions behind according to the skills . do it with the students

Ask the students to present the answers .

Show them another passage and ask the students to finish it by themselves . Just listen

According to the reading skills ,read the passage and finish the exercises . if they have problems , they can discuss .

Present the answer .

Finish the passage individually and present the answer .To make the students master the skills of reading comprehension.

Reading and writing Show them a passage about the weather . and make the students finish the form .teach the way of doing this .

According to the requirement and write a composition .(tell them how to write it )Listen and find out the answer .

Write a composition .Practice writing.

HomeworkSign homework If they can’t finish the composition in class , do it as homework .consolidation

Blackboard design The weather

Sunny ,rainy ,cloudy , windy ,hot ,cold ,cool , warm …

What is the weather like ? How is the weather ?

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