九年级英语教案:welcome to the unit教案



1. To understand the use of stress in sentences

2. To recognize the different meanings of a sentence based on where

the stress is placed

3. To stress the right words in a sentence

4. To choose the correct meanings of a sentence based on stressed


II. Teaching procedure:

Step 1: Read the three example sentences clearly and slowly for students

to listen to. Ask students to repeat sentence after you paying attention

to the words that is stressed.

Step 2: Play the recording for part A through once and ask students to

listen carefully to the stressed words.

Step 3: Play the recording again and encourage students to imitate what

they hear. Ask students to read the sentences aloud.

Step 4: Explain how the stressed words affect the meanings of the


Step 5: Divide the class into pairs. Ask students to read out the

sentences to each other, stressing the words in bold. Listen to the

sentences as you walk around the class. Praise areas where students

perform well.

Step 6: Explain that when we speak, we can stress different words in a

sentence. The words we stress can change the meanings of the sentence.

Write an example sentence on the blackboard:

“The dog ate four tins of beans yesterday.”

① Who ate four tins beans yesterday?

② How many tins of beans did the dog eat yesterday?

③ What did the dog eat four tins of yesterday?

④ When did the dog eat four tins of beans?

Step 7: Read the two sentences in part B aloud, stressing the words “robot

and Daniel”.

Step 8: Ask students to read points a, b and c under each sentence. Ask

them to circle the letter with the correct meanings for each one.

Step 9: Ask two students to read out their choices. Encourage students to

raise their hands if they do not understand why these answers are correct.

III. Homework:

1. Preview Main task.

2. Complete some exercises.


9B Unit 2 Integrated skills

I. Teaching objectives:

1. To extra information from a poster.

2. To complete notes about a robot exhibition

3. To extract information from a radio programme

4. To complete an e-mail

5. To talk about what robots can do and give opinions about

different types of robots.

II. Teaching procedure:

Part A: The robot exhibition

Step 1: Ask students whether they have ever been to an exhibition center

and what exhibitions they have seen before.

Step 2: Explain to students that they will not be able to find all the

information they need to complete the notes in Part A1 just from reading

the poster.. However, they should try to find as much information as they


Step 3: Tell students they can complete the notes by listening to the

radio programme.

① Listen to the tape for the first time to get its main idea. Explain

the words: Japan, South Korea, language, memory.

② Listen to it to find the necessary information they need.

③ Play the recording without stopping

④ Ask students to give their own answers.

⑤ Check the answer with the class.



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