



3)If there were no examinations,we should have ___ at school.

A. the happiest time              B. a more happier time[

C. much happiest time          D. a much happier time



P29 A

Dear Gran

Yesterday, Mum and Dad gave us two radio-controlled cars for our birthday. They are great! Nigel’s car is a ‘Lightning’. It is (1) faster than mine, which is rather slow. My car is a ‘Hi-Climb’, and it is (2) better at climbing over things than the ‘Lightning’. The ‘Lightning’ is (3) longer and (4) lower th an the ‘Hi-Climb’. The ‘Hi-Climb’ weights 210 g and so it is (5) heavier than the ‘Lightning’, and this means that the battery use is heavier (6) than the ‘Lightning’, too.

The ‘Lightning’ is (7) lighter, with a weight of just 150 g. This means that is can go (8) farther on one set of batteries. Sometimes we put toy people in the cars. The ‘Hi-Climb’ can hold (9) more passengers, as it has 4 seats. The ‘Lightning’ is good on a flat surface, but it is (10) worse than the ‘Hi-Climb’ on rough ground, because it cannot climb over things.



P30 B

Dear Peter

Thanks for your letter. In reply to the question at the end, my parents have just bought a new flat! They looked at one in  Peak Villa and one in Seaside Court. They chose Peak Villa. The flat there is bigger than the flat in Seaside Court, but it has fewer rooms. It is  also more modern, and its price is higher. It is nearer to the school, but it is farther from the market. Finally, the view from peak Villa is better than the view from Seaside Court. I’ll send you a photo in my next letter.

Best wishes


人教版初三英语教案:Now and then  

2014年初三年级英语教案You’re supposed to shake hands 



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