初中九年级英语教案:When was it invented教案



It will be important to lose the key, and a housebreaker will have to tamper ( 乱动) with the lock or with a window. It is not very difficult to make such tampering send a signal ( 信号 ) to the computer.

The computer will be more than a fireman-policeman-servant. It will be an entertainer, and most of your entertainment will come right into your home. It does now, of course, but by 2040 entertainment will mean much more. You will be able to take part actively, rather than just watching.


1.Can the future computer help you turn on and off the lights?


2.Can the future computer warn you that the electrical equipment need repair?


3.If you are out of the house, who will call the fireman?


4.In the future, what will you use to open the door?


5.Are you able to take part in the entertainment on computer at home in the future?





生活用品   telephone, TV, shoes with adjustable heels, battery operated slippers, heated ice cream scoop, alarm clock, light bulb, radio, microwave oven, vacuum cleaner, umbrella,  flying disk, camera

办公用品  computer, handed-held calculator, abacus,

交通工具  car, bicycle,

科学工具  binoculars

食物 potato chips, pizza, hamburgers, tea


1. When were electric slippers invented?

2. When were shoes with adjustable heels invented?

3. What is tea used for?

4. Who was microwave ovens invented by?

5. Who were potato chips invented by?


1.A: What do you think is the most important invention?

B: That is gun powder.

A: Who was it invented by?

B: I don’t know.

A: When was it invented?

B: It was invented in Tang Dynasty.

A: What is it used for?

B: It is used for the war,

2.A: What do you think is the most important invention?

B: That is compass.

A: When was it invented?

B: It was invented in War Dynasty.

A: Who was it invented by?

B: It was invented by Chinese people.

A: What is it used for?

B: It is used for knowing the direction.

3.A: What do you think is the most important invention?

B: That is printing.

A: When was it invented?

B: It was invented one thousand three hundred years ago.

A: Who was it invented by?

B: It was invented by Bi Sheng.

A: What is it used for?

B: It is used for printing.


1.Yes, it can.

2.Yes, it can.

3.The computer.

4.Your personal card.

5.Yes, I can.


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