新目标九年级英语下册教案:Unit 4教案



Step 2 Activity 1a

1.      Ask and answer in class. Describe your classmates. What’s she/ he like ?

2.      What are you like ?

Learn the new words :   energetic   confident  permission    herself

3.      fill in the blanks in the sentences below with words from the box.

4.      Check the answers.

Step 3 Activity 2a-2b

1.      Read the sentences in the box.

2.      Play the tape . The Ss listen and check the questions Celia asks.

3.      Check the answers.

4.      Play the  tape again. The Ss listen and circle Bill ‘s responses.

Step 4 Activity 2c

1.      Read the conversations in the box.

2.      Ask and answer the questions in the personality survey.

3.      Get some pairs to ask and answer.

Summary :

Creative  easygoing   moody   interesting    charming   energetic

Give a speech    in front of    withour permission   ask.. permission   introduce oneself to sb    invite sb to …    hardly


1.      copy the new words

2.      A composition      My best friend

Unit 4   Period 4

I . Teaching contents : P. 30

II. Language goals :  Talk about personality

III. target language :  What would you do if …

IV. Vocabulary :  bother   slight   in the slightest   annoy  fairly   plenty

plenty of  get along with circle  listener

V. Task . fairly know the personality of yourself.

Written   Design

Words and expressions     You would rather… than

Rather… than

Teaching procedure :

Step 1. Revision

Revise Activity 1-2

What are you like ?

Step 2 Activity 3a

1. Learn the new words :   bother   slight   in the slightest   annoy  fairly   plenty   plenty of  get along with circle  listener

2.        Scan the passage in three minutes.

3.         Fill in the blanks with a b c . and check the answers.

4.        Answer the questions :

If you answer a  /   b   /  c   most of the questions , what are you like ?

5.        Play the tape. The Ss listen and read aloud.

6.        The language points:

In the slightest    annoy sb   bother sb    plenty of     the company of other people   be easy to get along with   rather than     would rather… than

Step 3 Activity 3b

1.        Look at Activity 2a and write your own  personality survey.

2.        Read the examples

3.        Do the same .

Step 4 Activity 4

1.      Read the  conversations .

2.      Ask students in your group the questions from your survey.  Discuss the results with them.

Homework :

1.      Copy the words.

2.      Write and describe what you are like in five sentences.

Teaching notes:

Unit 4   Period   5

I . Teaching contents : P. 32-33

II. Language goals :  Talk about accident and problems.

III. target language :  If cut yourself by accident you would….

IV. Vocabulary :  aid   first aid   nearby   shelf   come out   cover   press   deep   downstairs   correct   burn   knee  plain   hurt   safety   offer   refuse   helpful   treat   burn   spotted

V. Task .  Talk about accident and problems and give advice.

Written   Design

Words and expressions     If cut yourself by accident you would

Teaching procedure :

Step 1 Section 1

1.      Discuss in class what is accidents ? what do you know about accidents ?

Traffic accident   airplane accident

2.      what is the biggest problem a teenager has ?

3.      fill in the blanks.

4.      Read some better results in class.

Step 2. Section 2 while you read

1. Learn the new words:

aid   first aid   nearby   shelf   come out   cover   press   deep   downstairs   correct   burn   knee  plain   hurt   safety

2.        Scan  the passage .

3.        Answer the questions :   How many accidents did the Martin refer to ?

What do you think it the most serious ?

How many problems are there ?   what are they ?

4.        Play the tape /. The Ss listen and read.

5.        the language points :   experience  u.n   deal with    come out    in …situations     page from…    cover with    fall dwonstaire    by accident    talk to sb about sth     agree to   in a public place    go alone     ask for

Step 3 Section 3

1.      Discuss these questions with a partner.

2.      Tell the reasons in class.

3.      Rank the accidents and problems in the list. Discuss them in class.

4.      find out one accident or problem in the reading that you have experienced. And if you have followed the instructions.

Step 4 Section 4 Go for it

1.      Add one more accident and one more problem to Dr Robinson’s book.

2.      Write your advice on it.

Homework :  1. copy and memorize the new words.

Teaching notes:

Unit 4   Period 6

I . Teaching contents : P. 31

II. Language goals :

III. target language :

IV. Vocabulary :  knowledge   represent    let…down   come up with    rest

V. Task . Self check



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