



Properties: Computer, Projector, PPT document provided.

Teaching Objectives:

1. Revise the grammar: The Adverbial Clause.

2. Let the students understand the dialogue and learn some new words and expressions.

Language Focus:

so that / so … that, a traffic jam, before long, get angry with somebody, be busy doing something, be badly hurt.

Teaching Procedures:

I. Showing the teaching aims

II. Revision

Revise the vocabulary from the last unit.

necklace n. 项链

steal v. 偷;窃取

hands up 举手

shoot v. 射击;射死

detective n. 侦探

inspector n. 警官;监督员

thief n. (pl. thieves)贼

robber n. 强盗;盗贼

come down 下来;落

escape n. & v. 逃走;逃避

conversation n. 会话;谈话

description n. 描述;描写

III. Leading-in

If you want to make appointment with someone, what will you speak to her/him usually?

What do you do when you are waiting for someone and he/she is late?

Get some students answers these questions. And tell them that:

Today Lily and Li Lei will go to the zoo, they are waiting for Jim to come together, but Jim was late. Why was he late? Listen and find the answer.

IV. Watch and act

Show the film Lesson 69-1.asf or the flash Jim is late.swf which are provided. Lead the students read aloud and act the show in pairs.

V. Read and work

Read the text carefully. And finish the exercises below or the listening exercises in the flash Jim is late.swf

Li LEI: It’s half past ten now! Where’s Jim? I’m ________ to get angry with him!



初三英语同步教案上学期Lesson 20




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