最新九年级英语教案Lesson 65



兴趣可以使人集中注意,如果要让学生感兴趣,教师就要饱含情感。威廉希尔app 编辑了最新九年级英语教案Lesson 65,欢迎阅读!

Properties: Computer, Projector, PPT document provided.

Teaching Objectives:

1. Understand the dialogue.

2. Learn the grammar: The Attributive Clause.

Language focus:steal - stole - stolen, shoot - shot - shot, hands up

Teaching Procedures:

I.Leading in

Say: We often can’t find our things when need them. When you have something lost, what you will speak?

•I can’t find it.

•I often lose pens.

•I don’t know if I put them here.

•Where is my book?

II. Presentation

Show the film of Lesson 65-1.asf . Then read the dialog on the

how the film Lesson 65-1.asf which is provided. Lead the students to read the dialog, and listen correct sounds sentence by sentence.

III. Explanation

1. Explain some language points: hear somebody do something.

For example:

1) I often hear him sing in the next room.

2) I saw him coming into the room.

2. The Attributive Clause (Select some parts of explanation below)

the handsome

the tall

the strong

the clever

the naughty




1. The boy is Tom.  The boy has a round face.

The boy who is smiling is Tom.


2. The boy is in the lab. You want to talk to him.

The boy (whom) you want to talk to is in the lab.

The boy to whom you want to talk is in the lab.

以上例句中的who 可以用that 来代替,在定语从句中that可以指人或物,代替who,whom,which;在从句中可以作主语、宾语,但不能放在介词后作介词宾语。如:

This is the photo that (which) I took in Beijing last year.

This is the man that/who lives next door.

Is this the professor that you talked about yesterday? (about不能放在that前面)

IV. Practise (Select some parts of exercises below) 定语从句练习

* Which boy do you like better?

Answers list:

The boy who has a big mouth / has not shoes / has long hairs / with laughing.

The boy who wears a green sweater / has a plane / was hurt in his leg/ has little hairs / has big eyes.

The boy who has a blue bag / has a hat / has green shoes.

The boy who has red button / has purple shoes / is wearing a suit.

The boy who wears blue coat / has a red bag / has black shoes.

The boy who is smiling / who is naughty / has brown shoes.

*    1. The house ( that ) we live in is very old.

2. This is the present (that) he gave me for my holiday.

3. Those are the shoes (that/ which) I lost last week.

4. The cars which are produced in Hubei sell very well.

* Show the film Lesson 65-1.asf which is provided. Then let the students make dialogues using the words in the box in Page 81. Practise the dialogue in pairs.

* Select two pictures about missing necklace, let the students retell the story with their own words.

V. Exercises in class

Fill in the blanks with that, which or who.

1. Do you know the man ________ came to see Xiao Yang this morning?

2. There are many plays _________ I’d like to see.

3. The people _________ you were talking to were Australians.

4. The train _________ has just left is for Xi’an.

小编为大家整理的最新九年级英语教案Lesson 65就先到这里,希望大家学习的时候每天都有进步。


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