初三英语同步教案EFC 3 Unit 12 Lesson 45



当今社会是一个高速发展的信息社会。生活在信息社会,就要不断地接触或获取信息。如何获取信息呢?阅读便是其中一个重要的途径。据有人不完全统计,当今社会需要的各种信息约有80%以上直接或间接地来自于图书文献。这就说明阅读在当今社会的重要性。还在等什么,快来看看这篇初三英语同步教案EFC 3 Unit 12 Lesson 45吧~

A Teaching Plan

written by Liang Guangguo

SEFC 3 Unit 12 Lesson 45

Lesson 45

Step 1 Revision

Check the homework exercises.

2 Find out how much the Ss know about the USA. Ask questions like these: Whats the capital of the USA? Name another big city. Who is the President? What money do they use in the USA? What do they eat and drink? Put any useful facts and key words that arise out of this discussion on the Bb.

Step 2 Presentation

SB Page 67, Part 1. Say Now read the dialogue silently and find out the answer to this question: How does Charlie advise Eric to spend his holiday? Write this question on the Bb. Allow the Ss a few moments to carry out the task. Check the answer. (Hire a car; visit some National Parks; go camping and take some friends with him.) See if the Ss can guess the meaning of downtown.

Step 3 Dialogue

Speech Cassette Lesson 45. Play the tape of the dialogue for the Ss to listen and follow. Go through the dialogue briefly and make sure the Ss understand it. Play the tape again. This time the Ss listen and repeat. Then let the Ss practise the dialogue in pairs. You may wish to ask one to act the scene in front of the class.

Wb Lesson 45, Ex. 1. Get Ss to ask and answer the questions in pairs. Then check several pairs in class.

Step 4 Practice

SB Page 67, Part 2. Read the introduction aloud. Get Ss to read through the phrases for giving advice on the left and the verbs on the right. When they have done this, point out that all the phrases on the left take an infinitive verb form, except What /How about... ? both of which take verb-ing. Get Ss to practise these forms in pairs, taking turns as the person giving advice. Then get Ss to shut their books and have a dialogue like the one in Part 1, but advising a visitor to China. Demonstrate with a good student first, taking the part of the Chinese person giving advice. Then put the Ss in pairs for the dialogue.

Step 5 Workbook

Wb Lesson 45, Ex. 2.

Ex. 2 can be done in Step 4 as a model dialogue on advising a visitor to China. Ss have to go through it and try to complete it themselves. Then collect the answers from the class. Finally call out a few pairs to act out the dialogue.

Step 6 Consolidation

Get groups of four Ss to have a dialogue like the one in Part 1 with their books shut. Two of the Ss are foreigners, and the other two are Chinese people giving advice.


Finish off the Workbook exercises.

这篇初三英语同步教案EFC 3 Unit 12 Lesson 45,你推荐给朋友了么?






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