The world's population英语教案



2.What’s the population of Germany? 德国的人口是多少?



The population of Germany is about 81,000,000. 德国大约有八千一百万人口。

The world's population is growing faster and faster. 世界人口增长越来越快。


Three fifths of the population in our town are farmers. 我们镇五分之三的人是农民。

(2)表示“……的人口”可用the population of +地名,也可用the population in +地名,作主语中心词时,谓语动词用单数形式。如:

The population of Canada is 28,100,000. 加拿大人口是二千八百一十万。

(3)表示某国、某城市有多少人口时,还可用… have/has a population of…结构。如:

The city has a population of 50,000. 那座城市有五万人。


How many people are there in your family? 你家有几口人?

(4)由于population是不可数名词,因此不用How many也不用How much进行提问,应用What / How large。如:

1)What's the population of China? 中国有多少人口?


误:How many is the population of Australia?

正:How large is the population of Australia?

(5)说明人口或人数的“多”或“少”时,不用many/few/much/little修饰,而用large, big或small, thin修饰。如:

Dalian has a large population. 大连人口很多。Which country has the smallest population Canada, the USA or Australia? 加拿大、美国、澳大利亚哪个国家的人口最少?

3. I wonder if that’s a lot of people for the size of the country. 我想知道这个国家能否容的下这么多人。

句中wonder的意思是want to know,常接if或whether引导的宾语从句。如:

I wonder if it is true. 我想知道这是不是真的。

I wonder whether Tom will come. 我不晓得汤姆来不来。

句中size 是名词,意思是“容量;尺寸;大小;面积”。如:

It was about the size of a duck’s egg. 其大小约如鸭蛋。

His shoes are Size 10. 他的鞋是十码的。

The earth is 49 times the size of the moon.  地球大约是月球的49倍。

4.  Multiply this by 365. 用365来乘它(370,000)

(1)multiply A by B 用B乘A。

例:6 multiplied by 5 is 30. (6×5=30)6乘5等于30。


例:6 times 5 is (are) 30. 30 divided by 5 is 6.

(6×5=30) 6乘5等于30。(30 ÷ 5=6) 30除以等于6。


He is taller than I by a head. 他比我高一个头。


A is by 2 inches longer than B.  A比B长二吋。

300 increased by 200 is 500.  300加200等于500。

900 decreased by 100 is 800.  900减100等于800。

注意如果句中用go up(上升)代替increase时,就不能用by。

5.The world’s population is growing faster and faster.世界人口增长得越来越快。



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