The world's population英语教案



VIII. Consolidation

Go through the passage again. Discuss the problems that the population explosion will bring. Get the students to use as much English as possible.

Exercises in class

Write a short passage about the population,

1. 人口问题是世界上最大的问题之一。

2. 人口增长非常快。

3.  600年后,地球上将只有立足之地了。

4. 中国人口众多。

5. 如果每个家庭只生一个孩子,问题就会变得好多了。

Lesson 51 教学设计示例

Period: The Third Period

Content: Lesson 51

Properties: Recorder; Overhead Projector.

Teaching Objectives:

1. Review the comparative forms of adjectives.

2. Learn the Future - in - the Past Tense.

Language Focus:

1. Grammar

2. useful expressions: prefer to do something. rather than do sth.

Teaching Procedures:

I. Showing the teaching aims

II. Revision

Do some numbers practice orally. Then let some students retell the passage. Finally, choose one or two good students to give their own ideas about the worlds population.

III. Leading in

Say: As you know, People's life is getting better and better, more and more people want to buy cars, if you have much money, you'll buy a car. Ask: Do you think cars will become cheaper when more people buy cars? Let the students discuss this question then ask the students: What is the most expensive car in the world?

IV. Read and act

Let the students read the dialogue quickly and find the answer to this question. Then check the answer with the students. Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat. Explain some language points:

1. prefer to do something…rather than do something

I prefer to stay at home rather than go out.

2. agree with: They didn't agree with each other.

3. Be worth: The book is worth 100 yuan.

Then let the students read and act it out.

V. Teaching Grammar

Make up more sentences, such as: I don't know if he will come back next week.

I didn't know if he would come back the next week.

Point out the use of the Future - in - the - Past Tense in the object clause of these sentences, because the action would happen from a given past time mentioned in the main clauses. Let the students see grammar in the Appendix of the students' books.

Do some practice.

1. I didn't know if she would invite me to her birthday party.

2. He didn't tell me when he would come back.

3. She didn't say where she would go.

4. We never know that population would become a big problem.

VI. Practice

Get the students to do Exercise 3 and ask the students to do more oral practice.

VII. Workbook

Do Exercise 2 in the workbook, Fill in the blanks together. The answers are:

did…go, went, Did…buy, bought, were, found, hate, took, moved, know, was, was… crying, found

IX. Summary

Exercises in class

Rewrite the sentences using the Future - in - the - Past Tense

1. I don't know if they will make friends with me.

2. Peter asks Betty when she will decide to stop drinking.



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