


Ⅰ.Teaching Aims and Demands

1.Knowledge Objects

(1)Using these phrasal verbs correctly.

give away, take after, come up with, give out, hang out

(2)Writing an article using the notes given

2.Ability Objects

(1)Train the students to use the phrasal verbs.

give away, take after, come up with, give out and hang out.

(2)Train students’ writing skill.

3.Moral Object

What do you want to be in the future? Try to come up with an idea to get much volunteer experience.It will be good for both you and the others.

Ⅱ.Teaching Key Points

1.Help the students have a self check on the key words and target language of this unit.

2.Practice using the phrasal verbs give away, take after come up with, give out and hang out.

3.Direct the students to write an article according to the notes given.

Ⅲ.Teaching Difficult Points

1.The students make sentences with the phrasal verbs.

2.Write the article with the notes given.

Ⅳ.Teaching Methods

1.Teaching by providing sample sentences

2.Teaching by providing sample article

Ⅴ.Teaching Aid

A picture of a young woman who is singing.

Ⅵ.Teaching Procedures

Step I Revision

1.Check the homework by asking the children to show their sentences.Ask some to share their sentences with the class.

2.Dictate some new words on page 64.

Step ⅡPart 1

This activity focuses or vocabulary introduced in the unit.Ask a student to read the instructions.

We have two tasks now.First let’s fill in the blanks.Look at the words given in the box.They are all phrasal verbs.Do you know the meaning of each phrasal verb?

Who has any problem? Show me by raising your hands.

Help solve the problems.Do some explanation if necessary.For example, if someone is not sure about hang out, tell him or her, hang out means spend one’s time lazily.

Let them do the work individually.Tell them to choose a correct verb for each blank and note to use the correct forms of the verbs.

In some cases, you may need to use an other form of the word, for example adjusting for tense, subject or verb agreement.Move around the room as they write, offering help as needed.Try to remember the common mistakes they may make.

After they are finished, ask five different students to read their answers to the class.Correct any mistakes they may have made, especially the verb forms.Encourage the other students to point out their mistakes and help correct them.Point out the common mistakes they may have made at last.After checking the answers together, ask the whole class to check the answers in pairs, exchanging their books and have a careful check.Point out their partner’s mistakes and help correct them.

Let the students read the five sentences loudly several times after making sure they all have got right answers.

Then go on with the second task.Use the first phrase, give away, as an example.

Ask several students to make sentences with it orally.

Such as, Jimmy gives away old bikes.

Then ask the children to make their own sentences with the phrasal verbs given.

Each one writes the sentences on a piece of paper.

Move around the classroom while they are writing, checking progress and offering help.

Ask some students to share their sentences to the class by reading their sentences to the class.Correct any mistakes they may have made.

Ask all the children to hand in their papers.


1.give out 2.came up with 3.gave away 4.hang out 5.takes after

Some sample sentences

1.Jimmy gives away old bikes to children who don’t have bikes.

2.Tom takes after his uncle.

3.The boy has come up with a good plan to enjoy his holiday.

4.The volunteers are giving out the advertisements now.

5.Ladies always like hanging out at the shops on weekends.

Step ⅢPart 2

This activity provides reading, writing, listening and speaking practice using the target language.

Read the instructions to the students.

We’ll have to write an article using the notes in the box.The article will tell what happens to Sally.At first, let’s see the first sample sentence given in the book.

Ask a student to read the sentence.Tell them to note how the writer combined these phrases into one sentence.

Then tell the students to try to say out the next sentence.Let them think for a while first.Then ask several children to say their sentences.They may say a sentence like this:

As a volunteer, she sings at a local hospital to cheer up sick people.

Then go on with the third sentence, then the fourth one.Help the students to think out and say out all the sentences.

After combining the phrases into sentences orally, tell the students to put all the sentences together to write an article by themselves.Tell them to go on writing after the first sample sentence on their books.

Move around the classroom.Note to remember whose articles are very successful and whose have some mistakes.Offer help as much as possible:

After they all finish writing, ask some students whose articles have some mistakes to read theirs to the class.Let the rest of the class help correct the mistakes.

Then ask some students who have written successfully to read theirs.At last, the teacher reads the sample article in the teacher’s book to the class, showing a picture in which a young woman is singing.

Tell them to exchange their articles with their partners and help each other.

Ask the students to rewrite their articles to make the article perfect after class.

Sample answers:

Sally Langenthal is a young woman who wants to be a professional singer.As a volunteer, she sings at a local hospital to cheer up sick people.And she also sings at schools.But after she ran out of money for singing lessons, she came up with ideas for making money.She put up signs asking for singing jobs and also called up parents offering singing lessons for children.Now she will be able to continue her lessons and become a professional singer.

Step ⅣJust for Fun!

This activity provides reading and speaking practice with the target language.

Call the students’ attention to the cartoon pictures.Tell them to see what happens.

Ask the students to read the conversation in the first picture together.

Then ask them what is funny about this cartoon.Help the students to answer like this:

The boy has been trying to make the person stop crying because he thinks the person is sad, but the person is really crying because of the onions.

Step ⅤSummary

Say, In this class, we’ve practiced using some phrasal verbs and we’ve written an article based on the notes given.At last, we enjoyed a funny cartoon.All of you have done very well.

Step ⅥHomework

1.Revise all the language points in this unit.

2.Finish off the exercises on pages 32~34 of the workbook.

3.Make another more sentence with each phrasal verbs below, give away, take after, come up with, give out, hang out.

4.Rewrite the article.

Step ⅦBlackboard Design

Unit 8 I’ll help clean up the city parks.

Self check

The Sixth Period

Answers to Activity 1:

1.give out   2.came up with

3.gave away  4.hang out

5.takes after

Some sample sentences to Activity 1:

1.Jimmy gives away old bikes to children who don’t have bikes.

2.Tom takes after his uncle.

3.The boy has come up with a good plan to enjoy his holiday,

4.The volunteers are giving out the advertisements now.

5.Ladies always like hanging out at the shops on weekends.







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