


第三课时:(写作课)        Unit 2 It was a quiet country village.


Step 1 课前复习检测


1. 最近五十年 _________________  2. 在......中心 _________________

3. 保护…免受_________________  4. 向……增加_________________

5. 在……边缘 _________________  6. 与……一样_________________

7. 太…而不能 _________________  8. 不再      _________________

9. pay the taxes _________________  10. close down _________________


1. 你觉得处于城镇边缘的这个村子怎么样?

__________________________________________the village on the edge of Beijing ?

2.  要认识到我们的长处和短处是需要时间的。

___________________________________ to realize our advantages and disadvantages.

3. 管理一个大城市,保护人民不受犯罪侵害,是困难的。

____________________________________________and protect people from the crime.

4.  Joe 每天要用一个小时才能到达学校,这还增加了车流量和污染。

It ________________________, and this __________________ the traffic and pollution.

5. 住在城市中心很昂贵,所以市政府决定在城市周边建更多的房子。

___________________________ in the centre of the city, so the city government ________________________ on the edge of the city.

Step 2 写作训练


内容包括:1.城市环境的现状。2.人们的做法。3. 你的建议和希望。

提示词语:as a middle school student, duty, clean and tidy, traffic, air, by bike, cloth bags, plant trees, rubbish, if, hope……

1 话题:

审题:   2 时态:

3 人称:

1 开头:      1

构思:   2 信息点:    2

3 结尾:      3


1. as, a middle school student, it, our duty, protect, the environment


2.  everyone, try, keep, clean and tidy, the city


3.  we, plant, trees, as…as, possible, many


4. many, people, work, bike, to, go, by


5.  instead of, cloth bags, use, more and more, plastic bags, people



1. 我很高兴告诉你一些关于北京环境的事情


2. 空气比以前干净很多,因为一些人骑车去上班。


3. 越来越多的人使用布袋子,而不是塑料袋。


4. 人们不再把垃圾扔得到处都是。


5. 如果我们能做出我们的贡献,我相信北京将会成为中国最美丽的城市。




第四课时:(复习课)          Unit 3 Language in use.


Step 1 课前复习检测


1)三亿人________________________   2)多亏,由于________________________

3)颁奖  ________________________   4)环境问题__________________________

5)不再  ________________________   6)太…而不能________________________

7)向…增加______________________   8) 在…边缘_________________________

9)pay the taxes___________________  10) close down_________________________

11)along with ____________________  12)enough space_________________________


1). 李老师经常告诉我们不要说谎。

Mrs. Li often tells us ______________________________________________________.

2). 贝蒂的母亲想知道贝蒂是否也有与我同样的问题。

Betty’s father wanted to know if Betty _____________________________________ me.

3). 如果我们不保护环境,动物们将不再有足够的空间生存。

Animals will not have ________________________ if we don’t protect the environment.

4). 这辆自行车太旧不能用了。为什么不买一台新的呢?

This bike is ___________________________. _____________________ buy a new one?

5). 杰克很高兴他一到上海就找到了一份好工作。

Jack was glad that he found a good job ________________________________Shanghai.

6). 让玛丽每天花一个小时听英语是困难的。

_______________________________________________ listening to English every day.

Step 2 词汇训练

1 你还记得这些词组吗?

Unit 1 ---- how about, enough space , too much traffic, an increasing population , an environmental problem, look up, 20 percent of the world’s population, three hundred million , come up, thanks to , present the prize, along with, get worse

Unit 2 ---- in the centre of, be close to, begin to do , arrive in , have a better life, add to , pay for, run a big city, the same…as , protect… from, in fact. get to school , close down , visions of the city , larger hospitals and more doctors

Step 3 语法训练

一、梳理语法:(用冠词a, an, the填空)

1. You dropped ________ “u” and ________ “s” in this word.

2. There is ________ pen on the desk. ________ pen is mine.

3. I like playing ________ basketball, but I don’t like playing ________ piano.

4. He drove the car at the speed of eighty kilometers ________hour.

5. I think English is ________ useful subject. Do you think so?

6. He had ________apple and ________glass of milk for ________supper.

7. —Who is ________ boy?

—He is my ________best friend.

8. Does Bob come from ________USA or ________Australia?

9. Linda works in ________ hospital. Her sister works in ________ same hospital.

10. How do you go to work, by ________ bus or on _________foot?

Step 4 当堂检测(语法和句型)


Can you imagine what the Earth might be like 20 years later? Here are the results experts predicted (预言).

The world will be more crowded because the p________ (1) will continue to grow. The population could be as l________ (2) as 6,300 million, almost 2,150 million more than in 1985. More people would m________ (3) into cities, especially cities in d________ (4) countries.

Food production will increase, but not e________ (5) to feed all the people. More farmland will be lost because cities become larger and more houses are built. Air p________ (6) will get worse because industrial countries burn more coal and oil. Many of the world’s forests will d________ (7) because more and more trees are cut down. Energy will continue to be a serious problem.


1. 因为天气不好,今天我们班大约百分之十的学生上学迟到了。


2. 百分之五十的工作是我完成的。


3. 政府花80万元新建了一所学校。


4. 这个图书馆大约有4500万本图书。


5. 大约1.2亿人参观过了这座博物馆。



1. 农民们用了一年的时间修建了一条通往村庄的路。

_____________ the farmers a year __________ a road to the village.

2. 对学生们来说,学会如何自主学习是很重要的。

______________________________________________how to study by themselves.

3. 爸爸酷爱骑车,所以他决定收集汽车模型。

My father loves music ______________________________________ model cars.

4. 为什么不学会独立处理我们生活中的问题呢?

____________________________________________________ in our daily life?

5. 我认为我们不应该移居到大城市,因为那里太拥挤了。

______________________________________ because it is too crowded there.



九年级英语上册Unit 1 What would you do?教案




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