


VII. Find the restrictive attributive clause with that in the letter.

1.We ‘re staying near Uluru– that’s the Aboriginal name for Ayers Rock.

2. The ancient Aboriginal stories describe the spirits that created the world.

3. The food and drink that most Australians like are grapes, lamb, ham and especially wine that they make in the south of the country.

4. …but the games that they love the most are football, cricket and rugby.

5. The camel that I rode had a bad temper,..

VIII. Consolidate

our, sheep, sunshine, rugby, lie, lamb

1. Do you prefer chicken or __________?

2. His house is much bigger than________.

3. Don’t keep _______in bed. It will make you feel tired.

4. I like playing ______very much. What’s your favourite sport?

5. There are forty _______on this farm.

6. Many people were talking in the warm___________.

1.此刻他们正在快乐地冲浪。__________________they are surfing happily.

2. 屋子里满是五颜六色的气球。The room is ____________colourful balloons.

3. 别忘了在上午八点之前到达机场。Don’t forget to ___________the airport before 8 in the morning.

4.不要为他担心,他没有受伤。Don’t ________________him. He wasn’t hurt.

5. 似乎这个消息让他很吃惊。It seemed that he ________________________-the news.


1. Exercises of Module 7 Unit 2.

2. Read the text.

3. Recite the key phrases and the structures.

Period 4

Teaching Aims

Knowledge Aims: 1. Ss will be able to talk about Australia

2. Ss will be able to talk about the place they visited.

Ability Aims:  Ss will be able to write a short article about the place they visited.

Ss will be able to evaluate their writings.

Key points: 1.Ss will be able to talk about Australia

2. Ss will be able to describe the the place they visited.

Difficult points:  Ss will be able to write a short article about the the place they visited.

Teaching Procedure:

I. What did Tony eat / drink/ see / do in Australia?

The people   aboriginals, spirits

lifestyle  relatives, similar to,

Countryside   green, sheep, fields, outback, desert, rock, sand

food  grapes, lamb, ham, wine

language  English, although, expressions

Events during the trip  a helicopter, a camel ride

II Write

The Place you visit

The people



Events during the trip

When writing, you can choose to use these expressions.

On the first day …, visit, The next day …, go to, After that…, buy, people friendly, Finally…, wonderful

III. Homework

1.Polish your writing.

2.Read the text.

3. Exercise 7 on page 137 and exercise 11 on page 138

Unit 3 Language in use

Teaching Aims

Knowledge Aims: 1. Ss will be able to practise and apply vocabulary

2. Ss will be able to understand and apply the restrictive attributive clause

Ability Aims:  Ss will be able to learn something about Australia.

Ss will be able to apply the restrictive attributive clause

Key points: 1.Ss will be able to understand and apply restrictive attributive clause.

2. Ss will be able to master the key vocabulary.

Difficult points: Ss will be able to understand and apply restrictive attributive clause.

Teaching Procedure

I. 在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句.

先行词 + that + 句子

that多指物,有时也指人, 在定语从句中作主语或宾语. 在非正式语体中常被省略.

1. We’re doing a project about countries that we want to visit and…

2. And this one is a photo of a shark that I saw on the  Great Barrier Reef.

3. There’s a photo competition that I want to win!

4. The food and drink that most Australians like are grapes, lamb, ham and especially wine that they make in the south of the country.

5. They love all sports, but the games that they love the most are football, cricket and rugby.

6. The camel that I rode had a bad temper.

II.1.Many people that (have been to Australia) often say that // Australia has more beaches than any other country.

2. It’s not surprising that // it has one of the most famous beaches in the world.

3. It’s one of the most beautiful beaches that (I’ve even seen).

4. This is a huge, wide, sandy beach that (is very popular for water sports and swimming).

5. The hotel that (we stayed in) was right on the beach.

III. Uluru is the big rock that is also known as Ayers Rock.

Sydney Opera House was a symbol of Australia that was used as the symbol of the 2000 Olympics.

Australia is the country that most British people would like to visit.

Some of the words that Australians use are very different.

Mr. Li that came to our party has lived in Australia for 50 years.

IV. Write the words in the correct column.

Animal People place Activity Thing Entertainment




kangaroo  visitor




park  swim-





V. 1.share: 分享,共享  share ideas,share candies,  share honor

2. feel like doing 想要,感觉要。一般用于疑问句或否定句,可以和want或would you like通用。

1)Do you feel like having a walk with me? 你愿意和我一起散步吗?

2)I don’t feel like drinking beer. 我不想喝啤酒。

3.get used to doing: 习惯于做某事

He got used to getting up early.  他习惯早起

VI. Consolidate

1、我儿子正在听CD。这张CD是他叔叔送给他的。My son is listening to the CD that ___________him.

2、一辆红白相间的轿车正在雨中行驶。A car ____________and white is moving in the rain.

3、李梅正在网上与一位来自上海的笔友聊天。Li Mei is chatting on the Internet with a pen friend ____.

4、他最爱的人是他的妈妈。The person ____________ is his mother.


1. Exercise of Module 7 Unit 3

2. Recite the notes.




九年级英语上册Unit 1 What would you do?教案 



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