


英语学科具有全球性、开放性、实践性等特点。威廉希尔app 编辑了新目标九年级英语上册Unit7教案,希望能为各位教师提供到帮助。

【课题】Unit7 Where would you like to go?




知识板块 学习内容 学习目标

知识性考试水平 技能性考试水平 体验性考试水平

a b c a b c a b c

Unit7 1.重点词汇

beautiful , relaxing , tiring, dangerous, educational, peaceful  interesting, boring  thrilling ,exciting √   √    √


Where would you like to go on vacation ?

I’d like to trek through the jungle, because I like exciting vacations .  √    √   √




【教学方法】——mind map, 3Ps(presentation, practice, production)teaching, task-based learning teaching

【学习方法】——individual work, pair work, group work(discuss, make a conversation etc.)

【教学准备】——multi-media , tape recorder, students’ book


教学内容及教师活动 学生活动 设 计 意 图

Step I  Lead-in

Show the map of the world .

T: What kind of countries do you know in the map?

T: What kind do cities do you know?

T: What do you think about the countries and cities?

Step II Presentation

(1)T: Where would you like to visit? I would like to visit U.S.A Because it is beautiful.

T: Where would you like to visit?

T: Why would you like to visit U.S.A.

(2)Show some pictures and let Ss practice:

Step Ⅲ Listening

(1) Show two pictures of Florida Beach and Amazon Jungle and let Ss try their best to describe them.

(2)Where would Sam and Gina like to go on vacation?

Listen and fill in the chart.

(3) Listen and read after the tape.

(4) Let Ss retell the listening material.

StepⅣ Survey

Make a survey: let Ss work in group:

Where would you like to visit?

Why would you like to visit it?

Who would you like to go with?

How would you like to go there?

What would you like to do there ?


…would like to visit…Because it is …

StepⅤ Summary

What do we learn today? They talk about countries that they know.

S: China, the U.S.A, the U.K, Canada, Australian, France, Germany, Mexico…

They talk about cities that they know.

S: Beijing, New York, London, Toronto, Sydney, Paris…

They talk about some adjs.

S: thrilling, fascinating, peaceful, tiring, educational, exotic, boring fun,

S: I would like to visit….

S: Because it is …..

A: What would you like to visit?

B: I’d like to visit…

A: Why would you like to visit there?

B: Because…

Ss try their best to describe them by using some adjs that they have learnt.

Let Ss listen and fill in the chart.

After it, make Ss read after the tape.

Retell the listening material.

Make a survey and do a report about one of their partners.

Ss sum up the key words and sentences.

通过世界地图让学生复习以前曾经学过的国家和地名,并教授相关的新单词, 本环节对学生的自学作出了检测,同时也复习了旧的知识,达到温故而知新的目的。

让学生给出不同的回答,强调I would like to =I’d like to 和其他动词的搭配)


通过反复操练,巩固句型,体会I’d like to 的结构,为后面的讨论作铺垫,通过两两合作达到议学的目的,为后面的悟学做铺垫。







1. 完成作业本1

2. 预习Period2(划出词组及重要的句型)






初三英语Module 1 Wonders of the world Unit 1 What’s a wonder of the world?教案

九年级《 What would you do?》教案 



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