


教学规划可以帮助教师理清教学思路,提高课堂效率。下文是威廉希尔app 初中频道整理的九年级英语module5第2课时教案设计模板,仅供大家参考。

Unit 2 Get off the sofa!


Knowledge objective

Key vocabulary—expect, require, physical, effort, harm

Key expression—thanks to, health care, once in a while

Ability objective

To get information about five rules for a healthy life.

Moral objective

To know about the meaning of a healthy life.

To make yourself have a healthy life habit.


To learn some expressions in the passage.


To get information from the article.


PWP method, task-based method


A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures


Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Warming up

Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

Step 2 New words

The teachers shows the new words and expressions, then let the students to say as quickly as possible.

Step 3 Look and say

Look at the pictures on pages 42-43, then answer “What do the pictures tell you?”.

Step 4 Listening

Listen to the passage and answer the following questions.

1. Do people live longer than before?

2. Is eating fruit and vegetables good for your health?

Step 5 Reading

1. Read the passage and match with the rules with the pictures.

2. Read the passage and answer the questions.

1) What are the five rules for a healthy life according to the writer?

2) Are people today getting the same amount of exercise as they did in the past? Why?

3) Why is it sometimes difficult to be a teenager?

4) Who do you think the passage is written for?

Step 6 Language points

1. Thanks to better health care, most people are living healthier and longer lives.


thanks to+名词/动词ing, 表示“多亏,归功于”。

e.g. I made much progress thanks to his help.


health care表示“医疗服务”。

e.g. Old people can get good health care in our neighbourhood.


2. Someone who is born today can expect to live about thirty-five years longer than someone who was born in the nineteenth century.


expect to do sth.表示“预料做某事,预计做某事”。

e.g. We expect to get more gold medals in the coming Olympic Games.


3. To keep fit, you have to walk at least 10,000 steps every day.


keep fit表示“保持健康”。

e.g. She tries to keep fit by jogging everyday.


4. In the past, people’s jobs required more physical effort.21cnjy.com



require + n./ to do sth./doing sth./that 从句

e.g. Theses pets require a lot of care.


The situation requires that he be present.


5. You should only have it once in a while.


once in a while表示“偶尔,有时,间或”。

e.g. He went to see them once in a while.


6. Eating too much of the wrong food will harm your health.2


harm v./n. 表示“损害,伤害”。

do harm to …表示“对……造成伤害”。

e.g. Be careful, or the sharp stone may harm your foot.2


7. Say no to smoking! 拒绝吸烟。

say no/yes (to…) “(向……说) 不/行”。

e.g. Their offer was so good that I couldn’t say no.


Did you say yes to her invitation?


Step 7 Summary

Let Ss read the passage first and then fill in the blanks with the words in the box on page 43.

Step 8 Writing

1. Read the passage in Activity 2 again. Think of one more example of what you should or should not do for each rule.

2. Think of more rules and examples of your own.

3. Write a passage called My rules for a healthy life. Include the rules and examples you have written in Activity 5 and 6.

Step 9 Exercises

1. His life was saved ___ better medical technology.

A. thank to      B. thanks to     C. thank for     D. thanks for

2. Our parents _____ us to get higher education.

A. worry        B. believe      C. expect        D. harm

3. We face the same difficulty ____ everyone does in the beginning of the business.

A. for          B. to          C. as             D. with

4. Everybody should ______ drinking when driving.

A. say no to                  B. say yes to

C. say hello to                D. say thanks to

Step 10 Homework

Finish the written task.

看完威廉希尔app 给大家带来的九年级英语module5第2课时教案设计模板,相信老师对教学计划有了更深的认识。更多参考资料尽在威廉希尔app 初中频道。






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