上海牛津版英语初二上册Computers教案模板:Unit 3




Preparing time: October eleventh Teaching time: October fifth

Teaching aims:

1. Master the words and phrases in this class.

2. Learn about the development of computers.

3. Master some reading strategies.

Key point: Aims 1 and 3

Difficult point: Aim 3

Teaching procedures:

Step I Greeting and lead-in

Step II Pre-reading

Ask students read the title , sub-heading and the pictures on Page 35 to finish Exercise B on Page 34.

Check the students’ answers.

Step III While-reading

Ask the students to read the article and answer the following questions:

1 What were the first computers like ?

2 Why are we unaware of some computers ?

3 Are computers cleverer than you and me ? Why or why not ?

Exchange and show.

Step IV Post-reading

Translate the phrases and sentences:

1 be unaware of

2 depend on

3at a faster speed

4 in addition

5 operate railways

6 be able to do

7 be better at

8 happen to somebody

9 你依赖电脑要比你意识到的要多。

Retell the article .Finish the exercises on Page 36.

Step VI Summary

Reading strategy .

Blackboard design:

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